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Dhamma Tips

  Meditations Tips, Tricks, and Traps



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Cell Level Breathing (Fusion and Fission of 5 Elements)
  1. Watch inhaling and exhaling along your breathing path and focus at 3 contacted points : nostril, air tube, and the end of the lung. Watch with mindfulness until you gain more concentration. Then
  2. Visualize a white clean and clear crystal ball filled with the light and pure energy stay at the center of your body. The center of the body is at the end of the lung around the navel area inside the body. Then
  3. While inhaling, visualize a crystal ball is absorbing pure energy and fused pure energy at the center into a very brighten tiny dot. Then
  4. While exhaling, visualize the light is radiating from the center.
  5. Repeat step 3 and 4 many times until your body is filled with the light while you are still concentrating at the center. Do not follow the light outward but you must always focus inward into the center of the center. Your whole body and the light ball will become one.
  6. Contemplate at your body as a material composed of water, earth, fire, wind, and space. You are not the body and this body is not yours. Try to visualize and contemplate this concept into each cell. Make your concentration into very tiny cell and each component in cell.
  7. Duplicate and repeat step 1 to 4 into all cells. Make all cells brighter with light as a chain reaction of nuclear energy.




Help from Checker

While you are reciting “Buddho”, you are watcher and “Buddho” is watched thing. There is speaker who is your mind that generates the word. There is amplifier who controls the volume. There is listener who receives that quiet sound. There is encoder who translates Dhamma. But there is always a traveler who escapes from reciting “Buddho” so you need a checker.

While you are reciting “Buddho”, checker will fill the gap between the words and checker will notify speaker whether how the word “Buddho” is recited. Checker is vicara (Pali).

Let this symbol of “ ! ” stand for checker then while you are reciting “Buddho”, checker will fill the gap as follows:

Buddho ! Buddho ! Buddho ! Buddho ! Buddho ! Buddho !

Checker checks ending and notify next word. When your mind is in focus, you may put more checkers as:

Bud! Dho! Bud! Dho! Bud! Dho! Bud! Dho! Bud! Dho! Bud! Dho!

Or even:

B!U!D!D!H!O! B!U!D!D!H!O!B!U!D!D!H!O!B!U!D!D!H!O!B!U!D!D!H!O!



Meditate while You are not Meditating

Do not let time pass without meditation. Always set an object to be focused while you are sitting, standing, walking, writing, reading, doing, speaking, and thinking. Someone may keep reciting “Buddho” or any longer mantra. Someone may focus at his breathing.

Do not just be satisfied with your general awareness that has no specific point of focus. You should exercise your mind until it is stronger before using its power.

Always ask where your mind is? What is your object of concentration? Always select one and keep your mind with that one. Focus selectively at any one selected object.



Checker II

When you recite “Bud” along with inhaling then “Dho” with exhaling, you can recite the word as the checker of breathing. Recite “Bud” as the checker that notify to yourself that your inhaling has been started. Recite “Dho” as the checker that notify to yourself that your exhaling has been started.

Next step of checker is to make it free from breathing step by step as separating your mind from your body. Instead of reciting just “Bud” or “Dho”, let recite “Buddho” with each inhaling and with each exhaling again and again.

When you feel comfortable and recite with ease then Instead of reciting one “Buddho”, you should recite many “Buddho” such as “Buddho Buddho Buddho” with each inhaling and exhaling. You can devise your own trick then.

Do not forget that this reciting is used as just the checker of breathing, you will eventually check your breathing without this word. Just your mind know and aware of inhaling and exhaling.

Until all that things are just all that symbol. No human language but mind language.



When Wisdom does not Work

We use low level of wisdom as basic in meditation practice then we use high level of wisdom as powerful vehicle for deeper meditation practice. Right meditation will generate right wisdom. Right wisdom will generate right meditation.

Wisdom that comes from using your thought and human-made rules is the least helpful in detaching because it always biases toward our social and biological preferences. Your standard may not be the right standard.

Wisdom that comes from learning Dhamma is more helpful because Dhamma and the Buddha’s teaching will be your guidance in developing wisdom and using wisdom against attachment. However you may also translate Dhamma and the Buddha’s teaching wrongly toward your preferences.

Wisdom that comes from meditation practice is the most helpful because Dhamma and the Buddha’s teaching were discovered through meditation practice. You can make your own Dhamma that works for you fast and right at the source of your attachment. When attachment arises, you will use less time in using Dhamma because you are the one who makes that Dhamma. No need to recall your reading or learning memory.

Do not meditation without wisdom. If you want to get Dhamma, you have to cultivate Dhamma for yourself.

Last updated



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