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Dhamma Tips

  Meditations Tips, Tricks, and Traps



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When you have question relating with how to cultivate your mind, you can ask your own teacher internally inside your mind. Before meditating deeply, you should raise your question to your mind then progress to meditating as usual. Do not worry about your question during meditating then you will receive answer after returning back to normal state.



Death Simulation

In order to find your mind directly, let assume that your are a dead body. Visualize every tiny part and organs deteriorating. Learn how anicca, dukkha, and anatta become a fact from your body. Simulate as a real event when your body is dying. Feel how dirty and ugly your body will turn to be. Feel and deeply feel whether you want to come back inside this body again or not. Then visualize the body disintegrating into sub-elements of wind, fire, water, earth, and space. Only the last thing left will be your mind (citta). Then keep focus at your mind and learn from your mind.



From Mind to Mind

Reciting only “Buddho” without visualizing or focusing at other objects is a very refiner meditation practice. Use your mind to recite only “Buddho” then keep your mind at this “Buddho” as long as you can. Recite until you do not have to recite because the word is recited automatically. Learn the movement of your mind. Learn how and why you have that feeling, that memory, and that thinking. Learn how to point out the cause of the cause internally. Learn why your mind moves and find your way to stop that move at wish.

This practice is easy at glance but it is very difficult and end-less in practice.



Dhatu (element) Meditation

Visualize your body disintegrate into sub-element of water, earth, fire, wind, space, and mind. Structure water element at north, earth element at east, fire element at south, wind element at west, space element at center, and mind element at the core center of the center. Break down each unit of molecule and atom of your body into these basic elements. Then sub-break down again of each element that actually it composes of 6 sub-elements. Repeat this visualizing again and again then you mind power will be increased as you are moving refiner and more refiner.



Buddho, Dhammo, and Sangho

Buddho is the one who knows, awakes, and has fully spiritual happiness.

Dhammo is Dhamma that is cultivated by sangha in order to be a buddha.

Sangho is the one who is practicing and cultivating Dhamma.

We need all three of them. Not one, not two, but all three of Buddho, Dhammo, and Sangho

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