(Note: You can download a greek or an english version of my resume in Word format. Here is the same story in a more Web-like format).


Surname: Kladis

Name: Konstantinos

Birth date: May 11th, 1965

Postal address: 21 Hiou str., Athens 104-38



Telephone: 010-522 3714, 097-764 2928

Marital status: Unmarried

Army obligations: Fulfilled


·         General knowledge

In 1984, I was accepted in the Faculty of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

In October 1996, at the Fifth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, was presented the paper «A maintenance Management System for Mobile Mining Equipment», which I co-authored, and for which I developed software in MS Access.

I have the Proficiency, the Certificat and the Diploma, in English, French and Italic respectively. I also have a very good command of Turkish.

·         Lessons - Seminars

Microsoft Exchange Server: Spring of 1997by Ameridata Global Inc., Athens.

Genesys Suite of Telephony Products (T-Server): Summer of 1997, Genesys premises, London.

Oracle Designer 2000 and Developer 2000: Spring of 1998, Oracle, Athens.

DirectX Meltdown: Summer of 2001, Microsoft, London.

Macromedia DreamWeaver UltraDev 4: Winter of 2002, Greek Internet Users Union (ÅÅ×É), Athens.

·         Programming

I am involved in Windows programming since 1992. I have programming experience in C/C++, Java, HTML, Visual Basic, Access and DirectX.

In the second half of 1995, I worked as programmer for a company named Timer.

Since 1995 I have worked several times as External Partner with NTUA, and I have taken part at the following projects:

- EU Brite EuRam BE-6031: An Integrated Monitoring and Dispatch System for the Mining Industry and Construction Work Sites (Visual C++ and Visual Basic).

- Public Power Corporation, Greece: A maintenance management system for diesel engine driven mining equipment (Access).

The winter of 1996-1997, I worked as programmer of multimedia interactive applications for a company named Actuel.

Since February 1997 I work as software engineer at Intrasoft S.A. in Intrasoft I have been involved in projects concerning telephony, Web, multi-tier enterprise applications, etc., in combination for the most part with Oracle RDBMS.

·         Internet

Since 1996, I make part of the team responsible for: (i) the Web Site of the faculty of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy (, (ii) the site of the Mining Systems Simulation Unit (, and (iii) of the 1st International Symposium on Mine Simulation via the Internet that the faculty organized, and was held between December 2 and December 13, 1996. (

I have also designed and constructed various Web sites, such as the site of the Mining Engineers (http://

·         Game programming

Creating games is as rewarding as nearly no other kind of programming. It is hard to tell which one is more pleasant, playing or creating games. It is also one of the toughest programming tasks, combining such diverse sectors as developing complex algorithms, and graphics and sound programming, multimedia in general.

Since the very beginning of my programming career I am involved in game programming, and now I make part of the Metal Fin team, which develops games for Despec Multimedia, the largest import company of PC and Playstation games, representing firms such as EIDOS (Lara Croft), etc.

·         DTP - Graphics

I have worked in the DTP area since 1990 (PageMaker, CorelDRAW!, and Photoshop). I have worked in Anglo Hellenic Agency - Tassos Psaropoulos and others, as well as a freelancer. I also have designed and produced several True Type fonts.