Medieval Recreation

10th c. Irish/Viking Cooking

Medieval German cooking

In September 2007, I cooked a German feast for Red Dragon.

Recipe book from Red Dragon feast

The Rumpolt Translation Project has its own page now.

The Society for Creative Anachronism

Order of the Willow07 Dec, 2002 (A.S. 37)
Award of Arms(see the scroll)12 Nov, 1994 (A.S. 29)
Award of Arms 17 Aug, 1990 (A.S. 25)

You are only supposed to get one AoA, but I like the second scroll because it has my chosen SCA name "Ranvaig" on it. It took nearly ten years for me to actually get the scroll. Even though I was there at the time, I was in the back, watching kids.

I still haven't seen my Willow scroll. That was the day we SHOULD have gone to the event. (See Heros)