1. ABEL, Peter; "IBM PC Assembler Language and Programming", Prestice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1987.

  2. GALVIN, Peter B.; SIBERSCHATZ, Abraham "Operating System Concepts", Ed. Addison-Wesley, 4a. Ed., 1995.

  3. MESMER, Hans Peter; "The Indispensable PC Hardware Book", Ed. Addison-Wesley, 3a. Ed., 1997.

  4. NORTON, Peter; SOCHA, John;"Peter Norton's Assembly Language book for the IBM PC", Ed. Brady, New York, 1986.

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  7. STALLINGS, William; "Operating Systems", 2th Edition, Prentice-Hall International Inc., New Jersey, 1995.

  8. NELSON, P. Ross; "Programação Assembly 80386 - Guia Prático para Programador", McGraw Hill, São Paulo, 1991.

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