Hardware and software used:
How I did the setup of the Glide SDK on my machine:
My favorite DOS editor is TurboC 3.0 from Borland. I do all my editing and compilations within TurboC. (TurboC allows to use an external executable to compile/link. For those interested, I found TASM2MSG works best for Transfer to Watcom.) When I want to link several .obj files into an .exe, I exit TurboC and
run a batch file:
To compile and link all in one go, I would use:
If I use any glide tl_???? functions, I include tlib.c (the compiled
tlib.obj, actually) in the list of .obj to link.
My favorite Windows editor is Visual C from Microsoft. For Visual C, I did the same manual copying of the .h and .lib files. Important: I put #define __MSC__ in the \MSVC\include\glide.h file. It doesn't matter where one puts it, you can put it in your program, or define it in the Project Settings (best method), but it *must* be defined somewhere! Also, with a VC project one has to add the glide2x.lib library in the list of files to link with.