Hello everybody!
Welcome to my home page!
My name is Oleh Derevenko. I'm a programmer from Lviv, Ukraine. Here are
some useful utilities made by me. All of the utilities are distributed
"AS IS". Author is not responsible for any unexpected results of usage
of these applications.
At present time there are available:
SU Version 1.12
This is the Windows NT/2000/XP program that allows you to log on more than one interactive user at any time (like UNIX utility with the same name). The utility correctly loads user's HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive and sets environment variables.
The users (their applications) logged on with SU are not being logged off
when main interactive user is logging off. So you can start your program
and log off leaving it work. You can't start another copy of explorer in
this way but you can run something like CMD.EXE, kill existing instance
of explorer and then run it from new user's console. I include Microsoft
KILL utility in the package and sample CMD script to restart explorer.
SU is distributed as freeware. Download SU V1.12 su.zip
In any questions mail to oderovich@mailcity.com