You have reached Russ Couprie's personal web-site.

I suppose that most of you who are visiting this site already know who I am and at least a little about me. But for those of you who've randomly stumbled across this site (you must be desperate for entertainment if you're reading this), I'll tell you a little about myself. Perhaps you'll get some insight as to why I turned out so strangely.

Who am I?

We bought a house!

And what goes great with a house? A dog of course!

On April 19, 2001, Sue and I bought a tiny little bungalow in Scarborough, Ontario. Since that time, we've been busy renovating and upgrading to make it feel more like home. here's a picture of the outside...

And here are a couple photos of our dog Toshi. She's a Shiba Inu, born on April 4 2001. I can say without exaggeration that she's the cutest dog ever.
2 Months old
Hanging in the garden
Relaxing on the couch

1 Year in Japan

Sue and I spent a great year living in the small city of Fukui, Japan. It was a wonderful experience that we'll never forget. We made some good friends, and took a TON of pictures. I put together a small collection of our photos...

"One of the great mysteries to me is the fact that a woman could pour hot wax on her legs, rip the hair out by the roots, and still be afraid of a spider."
(Jerry Seinfeld)

Over the past 5 years or so, I've been collecting humorous quotes like the one above. My collection has slowly grown to over 450 entries. I used Javascript to create a simple interface - you can go through them in order or just take a few random samples. There's also a search function in case you're looking for a specific quote or person. I'm very happy with the way it turned out, so please humor me by at least looking at it!!

Cool Quotes

The Hockey Section

Go Oilers Go! No, I'm not referring to the Houston Oilers. In fact, I couldn't care less about the NFL. I'm talking about the Edmonton Oilers NHL hockey team.

Click here for Oilers' News!

Yep, I'm a hockey fan. And believe me: life is difficult for a hockey fan when you're living in Japan without cable or satellite TV! I felt a small twinge of pain every saturday - I knew everyone back home was watching Hockey Night in Canada. Meanwhile I was limited to watching a Japanese cooking show, or more likely a variety show. But I wasn't completely isolated from my favorite sport. There was a dozen or so guys who got together on sunday mornings for a couple hours of street hockey. It was a lot of fun. We even kept the stats sometimes, and a friend posted them on his web-site. Check out Adam's Place if you're interested.

But road hockey wasn't enough to satisfy my hockey needs. I also feel that it's necessary to spout my opinions endlessly to anyone who will listen (or read). I thought about creating a page dedicated to the Oilers, but that sort of thing has been done to death. I wanted something a little more original. So I created a page dedicated to another team that I feel strongly about: the Montreal Canadiens. Please take a look at:

The Original Habs Suck! Homepage

A little bit of Comedy!

A friend of mine sent me a StarTrek sound file in .WAV format. It's a conversation between Kirk and Spock that was pieced together from clips from many different episodes. If you're at all a StarTrek fan, I would HIGHLY recommend downloading it - it's good for several laughs! The only problem is that it's a pretty large file (720kb) so it will take about 4 minutes if you're using a 28.8 modem. Enjoy!

Here's one of my favorite jokes: There was a man named...

But the comedy doesn't stop there. You can also get a good laugh by checking out some photos from our New Year's Eve party. No, I'm not talking our spectacular entry into the 21st Century. These pictures are a little older than that - days to be exact, but that's OK. They're still interesting. And this is a good chance to see what I looked like before THE HAIRCUT. New Year's Eve, 1997

Programming Stuff

In my spare time, I've been learning Java and JavaScript (despite the similar names, these are very different programming languages). Using java, you can create applets which can be used on any web-site. The 'Welcome' sign at the top of this page is a good example - it is one of my first applets. It's very easily configurable to display any text, font colors, background color, etc. You can also adjust the speed of motion very easily. If you're interested in using this applet on your own home page, e-mail me!

Javascript is another good way to spice up homepages and add functionality. It's also very simple to learn, especially if you already have some programming experience. I used javascript to create my Cool Quotes page. (I actually first did this using Java, but the results weren't great. The applet had some reliability problems. And an even bigger problem was that all the older browsers out there couldn't interpret some of the code!) Anyway, the javascript version is much better. So, please check it out.

If you're curious and want to see my original java applet, it's available here. The quotes are almost the same in both versions, but the applet isn't always completely up to date.

If you're interested in learning JavaScript, there are several good tutorials and such available for free on the internet. If you do a search on Yahoo or another search engine, it will probably point you to several good sights. Or even easier than that, go to my sources and credits page for links to a couple of these tutorials.

Credits! As with most personal homepages you'll find on the net, this one was made using some 'borrowed' images and backgrounds. But if I know who actually created the image, I want to give them their due credit. And if you're creating/updating your own web site, you may want to check out these links to a couple sites that have good collections of usable stuff.

Sources and Credits

[Home] [About Me] [Cool Quotes] [Japanese Diary] [Habs Suck] [New Years 97] [Credits]