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allNetDevices reports: June 28, 2000 -- Palm Expands Wireless Support

Palm has fleshed out earlier promises that it would beef up wireless support for existing devices by announcing both new content initiatives and the Palm Mobile Internet Kit for connecting the handhelds to the Internet.

The kit will enable existing Palm users to connect to the Internet using a mobile phone. The company says that the kit also will support Web clipping applications, until now used primarily by the wireless Palm VII, to all Palm handhelds...

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allNetDevices reports: June 30, 2000 -- Verizon Adds Wireless Handheld Access

Verizon Wireless has launched wireless access for users of Palm III and Palm V handhelds.

The flat-rate plan costs users $24.95 a month and employees wireless modems. Verizon is a collaboration between Bell Atlantic and Vodafone AirTouch that, so far, has focused on wireless telephones. The size of its network will almost double when the Bell Atlantic-GTE merger closes.

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