SPEDMAN-The Man of Infinite Talent

what are his skillls?
-Spedman has successfully     programmed the popular game Duke 3d
-He manages to say an exact 1/20 of his girlfriends size.
-Spedman can shovel shit like no other.
-He is currently working on a top secret project to create spamels- a cross between spedman and camels
-His cousin is the Notorius S.M.A.L.L. who hacks the air force's training simulations so they fire the wrong amount of shots, what a devious one.
-Spedman has been involved in cloning, sumo wrestling, world war II, the 60's, west side gang fights, baby poorp clean up, the Gulf War, and his creation in itself was a great achievement. 
Do you want to be like spedman?  Well, all you need is a few lies and a lot of annoyingness and you can do it.

Spedman during the west side gang fights

the height of his sumo wrestling career

and here he is during WWII

his first cloning procedure, right after he won the World War.

This is sped's baby picture, his father saw him and soon after committed suicide

The 60's was a wonderful time for spedkind.

this is sped helping change his neighbors diaper, he makes sure its squeaky clean.

During the Gulf War