# Contribuição de um usuário da Lista, que não anotei o nome # Configuracao do X para placas Tridents # Se possivel copiar somente a parte referentes ao Video. # Evite usar diretamente esse arquivo. # # Section "Files" RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled" #era 75 # FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled" # FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/" # FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/" # FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/" # ModulePath "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules" EndSection Section "ServerFlags" EndSection Section "Keyboard" Protocol "Standard" AutoRepeat 500 5 LeftAlt Meta RightAlt ModeShift # RightCtl Compose # ScrollLock ModeLock # To disable the XKEYBOARD extension, uncomment XkbDisable. XkbDisable XkbKeymap "xfree86(us)" EndSection Section "Pointer" Protocol "Microsoft" Device "/dev/mouse" Emulate3Buttons Emulate3Timeout 50 EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "s" VendorName "s" ModelName "s" # Monitor samsung SyncMaster 3 HorizSync 31.5, 35.15, 35.5, 37.2, 37.9 VertRefresh 50-87 # 640x400 @ 70 Hz, 31.5 kHz hsync Modeline "640x400" 25.175 640 664 760 800 400 409 411 450 # 640x480 @ 60 Hz, 31.5 kHz hsync Modeline "640x480" 25.175 640 664 760 800 480 491 493 525 # 800x600 @ 56 Hz, 35.15 kHz hsync ModeLine "800x600" 36 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 # 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced, 35.5 kHz hsync Modeline "1024x768" 44.9 1024 1048 1208 1264 768 776 784 817 Interlace # 640x400 @ 85 Hz, 37.86 kHz hsync Modeline "640x400" 31.5 640 672 736 832 400 401 404 445 -HSync +VSync # 640x480 @ 72 Hz, 36.5 kHz hsync Modeline "640x480" 31.5 640 680 720 864 480 488 491 521 # 640x480 @ 75 Hz, 37.50 kHz hsync ModeLine "640x480" 31.5 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -HSync -VSync # 800x600 @ 60 Hz, 37.8 kHz hsync Modeline "800x600" 40 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "t" VendorName "t" BoardName "t" # Chipset "tgui9440AGi" VideoRam 2048 #descomentei ----- ***** # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate EndSection Section "Screen" Driver "svga" # Use Device "Generic VGA" for Standard VGA 320x200x256 #Device "Generic VGA" Device "t" Monitor "s" # mude o 16 para 8 ou 24 conforme o numero de cores desejados DefaultColorDepth 16 # altere a ordem das resolucoes caso queira que entre em outra resolucao Subsection "Display" Depth 8 Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" #Tirei "1280x1024" ViewPort 0 0 EndSubsection Subsection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "800x600" "640x480" "1024x768" ViewPort 0 0 # comentar para 2MB # Option "noaccel" # Option "linear" EndSubsection Subsection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "800x600" "640x480" ViewPort 0 0 Option "linear" EndSubsection Subsection "Display" Depth 32 Modes "800x600" "640x480" #Troquei a ordem ViewPort 0 0 Option "linear" EndSubsection EndSection