De IMP tote who attend the Inal kirsientirten In the Out - 1011 Sew . Lit be permitted to i A b art* Mimes In the school In Mannino next Monday . Tut board of ltdireation an• shedoidAy that arranertnent• ' Sd lent completed for this addl . , i Mil tonic* for Kindergarten 1 • PM - R eMphastres, however, Ma MUM% should take special et to In that then tiotdren get Mi• " . - _ - .... : . :€01 . NI" w•' I Cali 10 !t ake their tar Mt etre nn sutra men int 1 S Matthew's Church . Under grim Hanger . will Ong e Aunt - pr of our well known hymns of runtenine Including the an - ;mit - Prayer of Thankuls int* mg - Yet Thank We All Our Oacr MOEN' the opening hymn the Met Clut•el W . will the s dentpum of our tom . he cwt and community life . St . SiCtre church will be of par - ader Interest to people in Eng - atil became Its plan and archl - sate are a faithful replica of an eegash country church . tree Orden will fthe a brief at as tie historic aspects of RahtlIMg Then tnglancl ar that Thankschtng means to isteday In wartime . Oreetir . gs will p se' 'u Valens by a number detrens ohm lave a direct con - Men the World at war, either Yea" numbers of their families a la tie midst of the fight or flair they are contributing to •  Alf 'WTI at home Mrs . Sen - n a Barton will send a Ms - me W ?inland relay VanWyrk a Mid fleeting* and Mn - and ibt George Sus and their SOIL ant till broadcast their neeitiante message to England ]Me recording which will be mar tonight vial go an the Er on 1101Pity Al 2 . 10 pm 47:10 EM - S It May be possible to IN? the Ireadrast in Wilton over te• thall wave band . However . 1111( abet certain . but Mr Wilding Sin *At people who own short Ms Ins Might try to tune in at Id to see that happens Kindergarten Tots To Ride on Buses re Along With 111111katV - lace . edged 201;thrarkc: viligi nerMinti 'nes . ••••• - .. :Net tar • u • wit I 1 . 111 . 1 . "1 . " . 11,11 . i - u . - stiles In New England and white orchids . the Wilton Ward of Education Tar M i sr . b the scn„ Urn c umuli the bibs /Um tYilkimen of Wath - He was tier"' to "erne! P2 "1 tTla Chiral Club and the Choir ington, liar her sister's maid of honor Mn . Albert Andrrs - s elf Wilton and New York Cu . y and five of the bride's college room - mates • ere bride - Anal& Wilt Frank Hounds, URNS now on acne duty . was the bride - groom's best man . Ushers were Limit Shaw Walker of Gland Nods Mich . Captain MacKnight Itinne of ItuldleMsn . 0 ; Lieut . William Stucky and William Seem . Following the wedding a Mem - Oen was held at llockky" the home of the brides parents on the shore of the Potomac at Ar - lington . Va . Mrs _ Hall attended Miss Madeira's School in Washington, D . C and was graduated from Vasear College Lite June . Mr . Hall was   rad da from An lover AradeM1 and from Yale in the class ut 1237 He Ls now an officer the naval reserve . For the Mrs - ent land and Mns Hall will Make their home In Washington . Thaw from Wilton %hp attend - ed llu %inkling sere . Mr and Mrs . SCarter Hall . Mn . Albert Andrew!, Mrs . Champe Andres* . Mr . and Mrs . Brooks Peter* . and Mrs . Wiliam Kittens . England Wilton . at historie St . Johns Victor IV . Knauth Air Cada . Black Faced mug Mil hare € typical New The Wide wore her matenud Task at g 30 the Mtn Of uniay afternoon .. church in Wobidnaton, D C . Sat - On School Board - 1 .... 4 n - ani ... turi . tiertke at grandmother ii werldina gosh of Comedians I . WIWI A Church ,,,„, .... Oat It can  be Writ neck and puffed sleeves . and a Succeed, . Paul Itorraun   Ilt m• I All Set ll This will heavy green satin uph a square a shirt ram to England on tulle red with a cap c4 Sitwell, meat . NMI in the Nan Thanksgiving L . T Br F )Service Here Ths Evening Mlm Joan Suantle and Fr Pidiany singing Ile ht dauglyer of Admiral and Mrs Itroadrrit to au to mt . VI NO . 15 111 PAGES rie 1Y11,141\, (1 ,NN , MON11,1N, soVEMInit 21 . 1912 iG l'At ;KS •   • a Li Let's Give 'em the Rap for Changing the Letter to Soldier Price of Admission To P . T . A . Meeting Altimuch Menthe, December 21 . the date of the Mitt Parent - 1 rather Associeton meeting n • month May . It It not too tarty to think about It . Pot at tha meet . int which will be a Mammoth vet - together at the 1mm hall till Ire Included al/ the men who hare cone to achnol in Wilton and sho have lived In Wiron but whn now are *ening with the armed fortes . Mrs Ray Patten . president . an - nounced that the admiaton ticket In the Meeting will be a Whet written addressed and stamped which will be sent in someone who le now flgt . finv our hs•tles foe us she t• certain that there Is ha a person In Wilton who den ot n know neerreene In •tiont mph it letter hould be Title's and the rereni•Teseher nuelint will hoer eerie  IS --- san If II ,Wtd4 a shown cf PAW, . ran Tlinrfart the Its is think fit Mrs 8 Carter 11401 uf D•eltn 11111 i I Dorglum . now € captain In the nary and somewhere on the teas "Three Black Spots" Captain Betrglum s resienation was read at a merUnt of the board . 1pother 31} stery on September 10 but was not r - ented until the meet Int two in Show month, later . on norrinber 12 Follostng the accrptanre of Cap - 'The 71C - r• Shirk elgor4C are lain Doraltun's resignation . Mr  sagthre ntrizter7 Irian has nee Knauth was chosen a member of IRA lam mmute entry Into the fire - the bused to fill the saraney leresurel Shaw wench en7 Mr . Knauth was nominated bT ear to Wilton as • balg - Ttarr . ks - Louis Cu:dmmut unoninitiudy rn733 them elected by the flee members of the Edranis End Ma - hood a ho at'ended the meeting . throe . Imam ter fur ol chockles Those preens sere Mfr Cbrkirni . - Irtriaj *bout the hied addition TUford Miller . who presided . W . but mute •hen m rant tOtIrnatar Knauth . Mrs Ornery and Mrs . detail: Maybe the Meet rectt 1•03 Frank Sennett wruism n . r =goys . m Niue maybe they CI dance may - Mr . Knauth has been settee In (Stan on p . ase 41 ther2 eat br tort and la - the affairs of the Cooperative Nursery School which far several Red, Whits and Blue "salt" As far laa n sv empeened they W . Tristsflas IS 00 Dnmi Hill Road . More recmay yeah tanned lie Eta property sal% age Bin Empty the . net - r t! -- tett itrn00 &act samtkur for the ,:tan However he 'IA:, CAMP34:11 manager for elected to 1h p:du:I:tr . kc al:tat:rem tern: emicii , .. thttutyintrucwer,wcars . 1/4 thr s meat fran ter Oanst se be tad cusam ... twas this meth . artais ....... railse and rater we 1 the three Wart mom onsets flawed co Thumaa) . and nag 12 make ran sat free lama As foe the rest et the ahem tea the bin u wailing for more In Wilton Church E J ante . who suer nits! the ThrelliT• swat mooedsht o emptying of the red . ace and ILIte • wee - hremeral for mar blue treasure cheat has not Yet Hague R:Ztsirt ate &recut ter Thanksgiving scrims Will be liken an inventory cd the  CM - mercers an Aletird 1 . 01• thrtr held at tartans times In the tents - In the near future he ink •ahty and *Mary Ter as nsd churches of %Clint nn Thursday . announce how many tons of am - we were m tine t•itar tad the November 2e At St . Matthews lentil acrd mattedi . It b  knOsn - tOurearvice klat Ur solkeseers Church there sill be holy tom - howeret• time among the *Neu Wenn trent as d their Inn nurroon at g 3 in and sn,,runur picked up ten numerous bed - recrsadmit to the fire sent /tam . and trance at ID a in steads as seta as an &d um imp Ent r nor ear who are Ms - The ectrurrnatinuai Church an d post atigh . ng somethum tr4  810 an* to gee the show it nutty Don Hill Methodist Church will Fett°11‘ . rsie: t te an Patisremy Mint are have a eraneurscd armlet en Among the nrusance name sa doubt as to Ow ettbre et the pat Dar ft Ell brain the milk - cram had to reed met . goers that am amprot betty at 30 a en and will take plan final the lartil Strai t Datellah them an the loan ha stage bee at the !feel mil Methodist Church litre mnetal kuet• m rant n are some el Ow eons Of the ICI:100 In Cannondale The lin Carl A . la unfartunate that they litn•   fit tiriarlawnt The ( tent that Hansen eu the Ümeregatintal "Wed Into the bUI ahleh pre - Mem so tereaseY emniage d Mmia - tide% only for Metah entwine et ice mania 1Coatigant ow poor Inc unsi jos, - ,,ec Jost troser eet Gott for Miterlea Thanksgiving Rites A Parry /same Ili et Ilkee•with en mizzen of welsoaw by neouts ernenTNI from a pup tent Ngthatitet /WWI and onemestr lad Pt night al the Center tment:edes of Proomeneing 'he aelleed 71141 writ , t sleepy end yam Mt, as wins the Oahe rennin, and when they sere toed i el oilman . Pent=: Petrol to •ath nit mo4 of them has Ikooky Ntartyn Putt mend unwashed They weer the Then a few ad entitled 'A tape S Newts ot mts RI Wirier mum - i  nt, It Troop Pa Carp WTII •••••••• "'WI' Two hivoime . hncti ... rtd Mthe were mat to bets Aey sins Wenn wee le/towed es Mtn - Dead 'gum *AM Tsar Trak i l„,,,,:ttia,, nibun",„ n eZ,„ t e . „,  •••, •IIIULLET hand gybed It the Maras be - as his man Is Invabilno The Merebreager le Chandler Coin as the sew red --- whet ter enewealecl istOn draft Wargo sat mem mated Made WM . / isehmey are •erw rd Wa - rm s Sat destasmu•ed San Thew are maw ether than Saga laranse •abeets T Illemegn . r One Owlet Wvstes L . at - F - 1vE CENTS fp 10 tied 144"trikant htfi'e Fla& Ocular Telt Had son of Mr . awl Theodore Wilkinson, sas mar . 1 1