De IMP tote who attend the Inal kirsientirten In the Out- 1011 Sew. Lit be permitted to i A b art* Mimes In the school In Mannino next Monday. Tut board of ltdireation an• shedoidAy that arranertnent• ' Sd lent completed for this addl., i Mil tonic* for Kindergarten 1 • PM- R eMphastres, however, Ma MUM% should take special et to In that then tiotdren get Mi• ".-_-....:. :^01. NI" w•' ICali 10 !take their tar Mt etre nn sutra men int 1 S Matthew's Church. Under grim Hanger. will Ong e Aunt- pr of our well known hymns of runtenine Including the an- ;mit -Prayer of Thankuls int* mg-Yet Thank We All Our Oacr MOEN' the opening hymn the Met Clut^el W. will the s dentpum of our tom. he cwt and community life. St. SiCtre church will be of par- ader Interest to people in Eng- atil became Its plan and archl- sate are a faithful replica of an eegash country church. tree Orden will fthe a brief at as tie historic aspects of RahtlIMg Then tnglancl ar that Thankschtng means to isteday In wartime. will p se' 'u Valens by a number detrens ohm lave a direct con- Men the World at war, either Yea" numbers of their families a la tie midst of the fight or flair they are contributing to • Alf 'WTI at home Mrs. Sen- n a Barton will send a Ms- me W ?inland relay VanWyrk a Mid fleeting* and Mn-and ibt George Sus and their SOIL ant till broadcast their neeitiante message to England ]Me recording which will be mar tonight vial go an the Er on 1101Pity Al 2.10 pm 47:10 EM- S It May be possible to IN? the Ireadrast in Wilton over te• thall wave band. However. 1111( abet certain. but Mr Wilding Sin *At people who own short Ms Ins Might try to tune in at Id to see that happens Kindergarten Tots To Ride on Buses re Along With 111111katV- lace. edged 201;thrarkc: viligi nerMinti 'nes .•••••-• ..:Net tar • u • wit I"1.".11,11.i - u. •-• stiles In New England and white orchids. the Wilton Ward of Education Tar Misr . b the scn„ Urn cumuli the bibs /Um tYilkimen of Wath- He was tier"' to"erne! P2"1 tTla Chiral Club and the Choir ington, liar her sister's maid of honor Mn. Albert Andrrs-s elf Wilton and New York Cu.y and five of the bride's college room- mates • ere bride-Anal& Wilt Frank Hounds, URNS now on acne duty. was the bride- groom's best man. Ushers were Limit Shaw Walker of Gland Nods Mich. Captain MacKnight Itinne of ItuldleMsn. 0 ; Lieut. William Stucky and William Seem. Following the wedding a Mem- Oen was held at llockky" the home of the brides parents on the shore of the Potomac at Ar- lington. Va. Mrs_ Hall attended Miss Madeira's School in Washington, D. C and was graduated from Vasear College Lite June. Mr. Hall was rad da from An lover AradeM1 and from Yale in the class ut 1237 He Ls now an officer the naval reserve. For the Mrs- ent land and Mns Hall will Make their home In Washington. Thaw from Wilton %hp attend- ed llu %inkling sere. Mr and Mrs. SCarter Hall. Mn. Albert Andrew!, Mrs. Champe Andres*. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Peter*. and Mrs. Wiliam Kittens. England Wilton. at historie St. Johns Victor IV. Knauth Air Cada. Black Faced mug Mil hare ^ typical New The Wide wore her matenud Task at g 30 the Mtn Of uniay afternoon .. church in Wobidnaton, D C. Sat- On School Board - 1 ....4 n-ani...turi. tiertke at grandmother ii werldina gosh of Comedians I. WIWI A Church ,,,„,.... Oat It canbe Writ neck and puffed sleeves. and a Succeed,. Paul Itorraun• Ilt m• I All Set ll This will heavy green satin uph a square a shirt ram to England on tulle red with a cap c4 Sitwell, meat. NMI in the Nan Thanksgiving Lie.ut. Taker, • Bride in Capital Firemen's Annual Minstrels )Service Here Ths Evening Mlm Joan Suantle and Friday and Saturday N Pidiany singing Ile hts dauglyer of Admiral and Mrs Itroadrrit to auto mt. VI NO. 15 111 PAGES rie 1Y11,141\, (1 ,NN , MON11,1N, soVEMInit 21. 1912 iG l'At ;KS • • w a Li Let's Give 'em the Rap for Changing the ILTIN Letter to Soldier Price of Admission To P.T.A. Meeting Altimuch Menthe, December 21. the date of the Mitt Parent- 1 rather Associeton meeting n • month May. It It not too tarty to think about It. Pot at tha meet. int which will be a Mammoth vet-together at the 1mm hall till Ire Included al/ the men who hare cone to achnol in Wilton and sho have lived In Wiron but whn now are *ening with the armed fortes. Mrs Ray Patten. president. an- nounced that the admiaton ticket In the Meeting will be a Whet written addressed and stamped which will be sent in someone who le now flgt.finv our hs•tles foe us she t• certain that there Is ha a person In Wilton who den ot n know neerreene In •tiont mph it letter hould be Title's and the rereni•Teseher nuelint will hoer eerie IS --- san If II ,Wtd4 a shown cf PAW,. • ran Tlinrfart the Its is think fit Mrs 8 Carter 11401 uf D•eltn 11111 i ig I Dorglum. now ^ captain In the nary and somewhere on the teas "Three Black Spots" Captain Betrglum s resienation was read at a merUnt of the board .1pother 31} stery on September 10 but was not r- ented until the meet Int twoin Show month, later. on norrinber 12 — Follostng the accrptanre of Cap- 'The 71C-r• Shirk elgor4C are lain Doraltun's resignation. Mr sagthre ntrizter7 Irian has nee Knauth was chosen a member of IRA lam mmute entry Into the fire- the bused to fill the saraney leresurel Shaw wench en7 Mr. Knauth was nominated bT ear to Wilton as • balg-Ttarr.ks- Louis Cu:dmmut unoninitiudy rn733 them elected by the flee members of the• Wiihme Edranis End Ma- hood a ho at'ended the meeting. throe. Imam ter fur ol chockles Those preens sere Mfr Cbrkirni. -Irtriaj *bout the hied addition TUford Miller. who presided. W. but mute •hen m rant tOtIrnatar Knauth. Mrs Ornery and Mrs. detail: Maybe the Meet rectt 1•03 Frank Sennett wruism n. r =goys. m Niue maybe they CI dance may- Mr. Knauth has been settee In (Stan on p.ase 41 ther2 eat br tort and la- the affairs of the Cooperative Nursery School which far several Red, Whits and Blue "salt" As far laa nutetal sv empeened they W. Tristsflas IS 00 Dnmi Hill Road. More recmay yeahtanned lie Eta property sal% age Bin Empty the .net-r t!--tett itrn00 &act samtkur for the ,:tan However he 'IA:, CAMP34:11 manager for• elected to 1hp:du:I:tr. kcal:tat:rem tern: emicii,..thttutyintrucwer,wcars.1/4 thriesiss meatfranterOanstse be tad cusam...twas this meth. artais.......railse and rater we 1 the three Wart mom onsets flawed co Thumaa). and nag 12 make ran sat free lama As foe the rest et the ahem tea the bin u wailing for more In Wilton Church E J ante. who suer nits! the ThrelliT• swat mooedsht o emptying of the red. ace and ILIte • wee-hremeral for mar blue treasure cheat has not Yet Hague R:Ztsirt ate &recut ter Thanksgiving scrims Will be liken an inventory cd the CM- mercers an Aletird 1.01• thrtr held at tartans times In the tents- In the near future he ink •ahty and *Mary Ter as nsd churches of %Clint nn Thursday. announce how many tons of am- we were m tine t•itar tad the November 2e At St. Matthews lentil acrd mattedi. It b knOsn- tOurearvice klat Ur solkeseers Church there sill be holy tom- howeret• time among the *Neu Wenn trent as d their Inn nurroon at g 3 in and sn,,runur picked up ten numerous bed- recrsadmit to the fire sent /tam. and trance at ID a in steads as seta as an &d um imp Ent r nor ear who are Ms- The ectrurrnatinuai Church and post somethum tr4 810 an* to gee the show it nutty Don Hill Methodist Church will Fett°11‘. rsie: t te an Patisremy Mint are have a eraneurscd armlet en Among the nrusance name sa doubt as to Ow ettbre et the patDar ft Ell brain the milk-cram had to reed met. goers that am amprot betty at 30 a en and will take plan final the lartil Strait Datellah them an the loan ha stage bee at the !feel mil Methodist Church litre mnetal kuet• m rant n are some el Ow eons Of the ICI:100 In Cannondale The lin Carl A. la unfartunate that they litn•fit tiriarlawnt The (tent that Hansen eu the Ümeregatintal "Wed Into the bUI ahlehpre-Mem so tereaseY emniage d Mmia- tide% only for Metah entwine et ice mania 1Coatigant ow poor Inc unsi— jos,- ,,ec Jost trosereet Gott for Miterlea Thanksgiving Rites A Parry /same Ili et Ilkee•with en mizzen of welsoaw by neouts ernenTNI from a pup tent Ngthatitet /WWI and onemestr lad Pt night al the Center tment:edes of Proomeneing 'he aelleed 71141 writ , t sleepy end yam Mt, as wins the Oahe rennin, and when they sere toed i el oilman. Pent=: Petrol to •ath nit mo4 of them has Ikooky Ntartyn Putt mend unwashed They weer the Then a few ad entitled 'A tape S Newts ot mts RI Wirier mum- int, It Troop Pa Carp WTII •••••••• "'WI' Two hivoime. hncti...rtd Mthe were mat to bets Aey sins Wenn wee le/towed es Mtn - Dead 'gum *AM Tsar Trak Awards, Adraneements for Scouts ilitm'„,,,,:ttia,,mtimnibun",„nier Bet At Court of lknor, Charter Night eZ,„ts re? ".„,s,,,,,•••,?,,,t • IIIULLET hand gybed It the Maras be- as his man Is Invabilno The Merebreager le Chandler Coin as the sew red --- whet ter enewealecl istOn draft Wargo sat mem mated Made WM./ isehmey are •erw rd Wa- rm s Sat destasmu•ed San Thew are maw ether than Saga laranse •abeets T Illemegn. r One Owlet Wvstes L. at- F-1vE CENTS fp 10 tied 144"trikant htfil'e Fla& Ocular Telt Had son of Mr. awl Theodore Wilkinson, sas mar. 1