" Editor: G . Evans Hubbard 13ox 374, Wilton, COOrl . Subscription SI per year E   In answer to an inquiry made on behalf of the Wilton Association (noted in the Bulletin, second issue) a representative of Mr . E . J . Wall, Vice - President of the New Haven Railroad, stated that the New Haven is considering taking off the buses on runs where they do no pay . "Fhe interest of Wilton is in the possibility of a shuttle service on the railroad between South Norwalk and Danbury . Such a service seems now more than a possibility . Wilton is deeply concerned in this proposal . Some feel the bus service is not entirely satisfactory because the runs are too infrequent and there are no stations on the highway to protect passengers from the weather . On the other hand, the buses make more frequent stops and are more convenient for many people, as they carry the passengers to points closer to the shops in Norwalk and South Norwalk than would a shuttle service on the railroad . As this is a question affecting a large number of people, the subject should be discussed and some action decided upon . It is for just this purpose that the Wilton Association was started . to provide frumo where matters of general interes be t di a , cussed and opinions crystallized . If you desire that such a rneetMg be called . send a postal card to the Wilton Bulletin, P . 0 . Box  NO . 374 or to V . Leo Rurnely, Wilton . who is President of the Wthon Association . If enough interest in the subject is recorded . a meeting will be called . Prompt action desirable WI SOCIETY Many a garret in the old houses of Wilton con - tains dusty old volumes of accounts . sheaves of let - ters tied with string, old photographs and paintings . These re, ords will some day be invaluable to the historian of Wilton . They are even now being som . dit I . , the des( enclants of our old families who have ,TIC If/ the newer towns of the West and find their ,hief pride in their olcl New England ancestry . Some of these records have not keen touched for years, others are wholly unknown to the present generation Old ledgers . old (lockets of the early J I' . , old tax lists! Can not some tactful souls be found who would ferret them out and  decide what is of interest and what should remain ttt blivion, I lad we an Ilistorital Society to take care of these rerords and keep them safely in the great N'allit at the h I OWIl I fall . would this not lie a valuable KM it/ our town, What would Norwalk give today to have k old church records destroyed by MI , I . 111 ministei•s loset !he (dlection of over $1 . nfill 111 . 111 the 7 1,11 . , ilies in Wilton for Vinod Relief I .. the Red Cross e . ''END OF SUMMER' . bv Miss Sylvia Kodibanofj ANvarcled first . \nna i  i .. ,,, I luntington piize at 4nth annual exhibition of National Association of Wonien it . ', . and SculPfots on Jannat, S I Il and Park \,,,,, 'ti' .. " that the State buy all of Sheruood Island %%ill nivel ulth i,enetal "! Restiwtions at I oinpo lead, shoun that WI! Ionians must vto elseviheie t 0 ICA, h tilt' 11,11011e . h tall' 1911,11 t . 11111111 , 111 . 1N St`t` it'' 1,1,1C11C, Sherwood Island expropilatril I, the ,tate, thin ait• lb . it to to a t that will benefit ni no I he e tll Ate lieaches have kern hai, 1