ral n a - iv _ K . Augusta Sutton, who . tar aedren . spoke of New "ar historic miatton as a the oppressed . Three ica's alto it was the refuge copresseci peoples of the r 2 . 1 . saw, - Not 'Eng - dal Li the refuge for refugees, ler nee as a havers has spread the United States . at is the dithrerice between seed refugee'?" Dr . Sutton 'Teen is no difference ex - Or a mere matter of accent i7!ftble . " akitm assured the gradu . that the world may seem triPse test that actually the melt try near . The war allot much longer . and the ce the noes people of Arm:la - be to help straighten out tiler, . zeito is a member of :mew of Danbtuy Teachers' in high terms of In Drlicoll, principal of the %el Bentett School, who eat of her students . moister participated in teritiram by giving addrenes [tag =O• to the accom - I of Hrs . Glades Grove Rea Ahn Oration made Ititkcdaing gaeldrees, and Rich - eater/e• whose topic was Arad" pointed out that ear the keeper of the Desee . John Schmitt . In et eireerruted Memo fee," IrEy as it wis in 419• dining which time tie _ tint oluetry, fivratla uh, *'its, Cave the short re t The two horses that came gal - loping through Wilton, George - town and Redding a few Sundays ago, h found their master, Or rather, their master has found teem . Ile is John Kenneth Byard Silvermine, who gave the horsen ... 11 . 1 - t . •   "They must have had an awful scare, or they must have been chased like everything," Mr . M explained "They're the gentlest homes and I never heard of them running away from a bridle or saddle . Why . as MOD as they sow N . - .. eie _ ono in rn 1 Special Town Meeting Turns Down Proposal to Lease Land from ()rem and Re - quests Another Committee What Wilton wants WOW than snow for Owlet:nee et turkey for Thenkraiving Is is dump For two mire the town has beam locking for a suitable spot where garbage . may be divined of . but nobody wants to be a neighbor to Wilton's refuse D•e inetiot of which No se= t to be that much Wiitort covets a public dump . It really doseret want one I This was brought out unmis - takably at the town meeting on Monday to menet Geu•ge Van 1 Itiper's resolution aluthoraLrig -- the i selectmen to enter Into a teary far the term of five Yea:WS at the rate of IMO per year with Ctallitn Oran of Wilton for tea use of his land on the Range Road in Wilton at a public dump for the &ceded of refuse!' Fen S Vacant The call for a town me - 41:4g brought a reezirci attreounee There were only a few vaned seats in the Taira Hall auditor - ium . After math disc:mean pro end cola Mr Vanlelper wit•drew his original =nun in favor of an - other, sporisderd by Palen S . Rounds . This resolution Prowsed the appointment of another ccm - -- : matte to report witlaM V . : days at a town meeting on oietahle sites for a dump . The ranstitute rewlution which was emezteasey adopted . reads as Pollan: - Resahed that the Selectmen , i re recurstiesi to forthwith &Witt 4 tee from each dls - Wet . to prepare and iceert to A town meeting within 50 days, psis for making or carefully mama th collection ig garbage sod !refuse and the &mesa/ thmecit by establishing and neentainbeg a place for garbage chwesal in Wilton which shall be apprered by the State Commiesiozer of Health . and which sisal) be se placed and protected that it will nut teetstirete a pubille nuisance ax defined by the Sanitary Code of Connecticut . " New Ceetanittee The committee to he appaulted in accordance rah the reclutiort . will consist Cl ten members . Tea who have thesis' armed tia sent cm the committee arc Ralph S . Rounds . 13, Evans; Reb:nod awl B . 0 Kudjbanalt . Present at the meeting Nerve a number of ',seems who have been oallecting the refuse from vat - iota Trousers - 4th in Wiitoe . Having no authorized dump saner Wrstpart closed its dump its Weitora they have been aksiing their etelectiores in their own backyards _ Tree Pre - tested at the delay or 30 dare dur• Ordination to Be Here on July 28 Cart A . Hanson to Start Duties at Congregational Church Plans for the ordination Carl Albert Hanson, new pastor of the Wilton Ccmeregatirmal Church . moved a step nearer Sunday by the execution of a "Letter Missive" the part of the nine members of the erotic is committee . In this letter . the PaIrreld A In Wilton on Sunday . July 28 for afternoon and evening sessions . This call will be transmitted by the scribe of the association to all the 47 Cortgregatkinal churdies in th counte . Each is asked to send its pastor and one other delegate to Wilton . In the afternoon these delegates will examine Yr Han - son . Then they will be entertained by the women of the church at an out - of - doors . upper, weather permitting . Ordination In the evening . at 8 o'clock . the formal service of ordination and recognition will commence, assum - ing that Mr . Hanson meets the requirements of his denomination . This service should be impres - sive . Right clergymen, in addition to John Remy of South Notelet the moderator, are expected to take part . The sermon is to be de - livered by the Rev . Luther A . Weigh . , the eloquent dean of Yale Divinity School . The Rev . Mr . English, superintendent of the Stet centers - mete is also expected to speak . se well as the Rev . Paul H . Velth of Yale and Mr . Hansone farmer owed, the Rev . Plell1P The /alarming imbed has bace requested to re - check all X gasoline ration curds . !folders of X cards are requested to call at the office of the rationing board at the town hail . bring - ing their gasoline ration card and car registration . The office will be open for this purpose from 9 a . rn . to 11:30 a m on June 11 . 12 and 13 . r . )6 PAGES , 1942 lir 11 h" m M E CENTS 16 PAGES 1 Students Get Diplomas N From Gilbert and Bennett RFr , al THE (aRAI)ITATES I 150 Attend Dinner and Meet . tiromelown School Are frig at Cannon Grange lirid in Town Hon First llomint h surroN SPEAKS H Wilton's new Rotary Club re - Rita Ann Graham etived Its charter art a meeting at airs PattleIpste In Exercises John Stuart Schmitt with speeches and Richard Joseph Schneeberger the Orange Ball Cannondale Singing   Second Honors Tuesday evening . The chatter was Dorothy Aileen Banner presented by Dr . Ralph C, Jenkins oozes:Woos of the Gilbert Charles Michael Defranco of Dienbury, district governor, to aimed Stem received their poet Michael Driscoll Edwin 0 . Ethers, president . tAs rose night In the count y Thomas Edward Gilbert An elaborate program had been &sew lastduatIon exorcism: Ray Edward Harter . Jr prepared in honor of the occasion . •ion hail . They were Pre - Helen Elaine Hosted The meeting wits milled to order liany A . Lindstrom seen Jacob Moller by Charles W . Pettetialli, member turn of the extension conunIttet, Rotary William Henry Monroe et the 10th School Ds - eina International, followed by an in - - at, Other Graduate lie erne of Elsarlis mntth, Hattie Carolyn Abbott vocation by the Rev, Charles W . 4' ant Circumstance . " the George Curtis Anderhaggen Wilding . oat tied tip the center aisle Anna Louise Anderson John F . Cloctien, selectman, e welcomed the new club and special . i'Jet The girls in white . Robert Wallace Andreasen representatives John J . O'Hare and .. tomes 01 ma tomes and Arletta Morehouse Barrett FrimeLs W . Collins of the Rotary sit:teal . and the boys . wear - Henry Arthur Batterson Club of Ridgefield were introduced . 'mg blue meta and white Paul Chelminski These formalities were prelim - boutetniers of white James Lincoln Collier Mary to the great event of the twocallen by the Rev, Robert Donald Collis evening . which was the presenta - ts Wilding opened the Donald Hopkins Corsa eon of Charter No . 5506, to which William Howard Darragh Mr . Silvers responded with ap - Harold Borglum Davies propriate remarks of gratitude . Richard Fuller Deforest The Rev, Hugh Shields of Ridgefield, provided an interlude Ethel Mary Dunham of humor by uttering a few 'Se - Milton Thomas Fergeson flections of a Proud Father . " DorothyThom Donald A . Adams, past president, Marie Grace Hawks Rotary International, made the Lawrence Marvin Hoyt principal address, in which ha William Louis Jerome outlined the history of the Rotary Nils Everett Johnson movement, its aims and purposes, Irene Barbara Kaufman adding words of predictkm as to Robert Knowles the success of Wiltan`s club . Mildred Elsie Lawrence William A . Edwards, secretary, Milton Roscoe Marhoffer accepted a number of gifts in Doris Johanna McGarvey behalf of the Wilton club . Through the officers of the club a bell and Mary Jane Middlebrook gavel to can the meetings to order Sherman Lucian Morehouse were donated, as well as a seem . Helga Evelyn Muhrenberg tary's kit in a leather bound brief Doris Eileen Odeon case . There was also a large Rufus Wheeler Peckham American flag made of silk, and Kenneth Larkham Robinson certificates of membership were Robert Raymond Studwell given to all charter members . Carl Lyman Sundlof There were also button - hole Ro - tart Thomas Francis Tanner emblems for a Marie Helen Toth Membership . certificates . were Anthony Grove Weinberg Presented by Clifford A . Holleran, president of the Rotary Club of Alice Carrie Ann Wilcox Ridgefield . The proceedings wound Edward Roberts Wood up with songs led by - Sill" Htun - Kenneth Fitch Youngquirt tContintied on pave sixteen) WA 1