WILTON • BULLETIN 4 l'AGE.6 FIV4 t \^ 15 l'AGEH lk II I N I IIi ILMDAY. JANUARY. 22. 1912 Student's Plan Alleviates , At Motor Corps Meeting Shortage of Doctors in New Haven h. ii. Heller Omani,. !tarry A. Jackson Init. lidee for 1olunieer Has Serious Fall Work with Sick the mood f a ya, „nit, IlartY A. Jackson of Chestnut Heites. Witten, otiataa. HIS. perennial treasurer of the hetoiho town. Itiffeted an Injury that p7;;;nhhe, shortage to New Might hare cod him his life last n's Unrest haelltal Thin:wit' ler. who plans to study medl- A Portion of the dock on ahlch when he ern his master's he vas standog near his summer hod heord how deeply home at Great Marsh broke and xis of ear and defense pro_ Mr Jackson fell nine feet to the hod duo into the supply 01 ice In the (oven harbor /Bunned is and nurses in the Elm by the for some tlmr qe wondered why the mu. on a block of ice When he re(„ildh t a %tan to Rained crinselousnean he found one ,rte of the routine hostasal arm trailing in the water Aloomaatty bandied byproles-though he thought his back was men and women. broken. Mr Jackson manaeed to idea took h.,. immediate,. roll onto a larger block of ice and Yale tiudea.^ as they are then crawl to the shore are now in resular see,,,. He succeeded In reaching his of 71 humanitarian-Mind- car and driving to Wilton. Here he u of Ell arc at work found help to take h. upstairs Left t‘3 rig • Mn . - rbli•liPan wires Red our of hospital duty and 40 and to bed where he has remained Vuluntrer Service: MnEleanor eating men are clamoring to ever since. In spite of the serious nature or the aecide„t. only cornmand.t; Miss Mary M. Hannan. lieutenant. Wilton miler asalstance. plan has been applauded rib was broken and Mr Jackson ..r.s• er cavern universities which regain.. strength Wilton Takes Pa to adopt it It has the bled- good Schedule Changes In tw Air Spotters On the Alert AtTwoPosts S. home to keep no. Vk atd. OM Their Nick Crow Corp. Motor rt sign Tice Innen Rand.ph property. at the corner of Ridgefield and Deleorest Roads. has been sold to Dr. Nelson Sackett prominent obstetrician of New York City. The property or approximately 35 acres. includes a southern colonial frame house with apriclouta living room. Me master bedrooms, three master batty( two servants. bedrooms and bath The Randolot, (h. house about 15 Jr, a, Aoll.vuttli ht.a has been pawed. Dr Hackett does not Intend to occupy the premises until spring, at which Ume tie will make Wilton his year-refund home The property was held around .0000 David If Datelielder was the broker in the transaction DANA-HUTTON ENGAGEMENT , Mr. and Mrs Oerald C Hutton of Pittsford. t4 Y.. announce the mrsaement of their daushter Miss Susanne Hutton. to Thomas Appleton Dana, son of Mr and Mrs Allston Dana, of Nod Hill Net, System of Handling Air-, plane Spotters' Schedules Eleven captans have been .1. pointsal by the Defense Volunteer 1 Bureau to tate charTe of shift, and substitution. In personriel, spot.. airplanes at the Bald 211111 and Chestnut BM observation pods. These captains will see to It that the posts are mann. without a hitch for 24 hours a day \Viso c'oanses are nes...miry. the captaana sill tsars... J. Wes to Insure uninterrupted 'defiance at the Pads The system of captains has been tried out for the past week during , night shifts, between midniaht and 6 a na. They have functioned so rifest...1y that similar ca,tains hare now been appoWted for der. time shifts Each captain has am his nst frock 20 to 34 observers • ho are or regular duty In additin, dress are other obscrsers who nu, Or cal. upon as alternates. The captains. their scheduks and number of observers. seivInit books which also may be left at the Wilton Library or the Red (*roes roma. Books particu'arty n-eded Gtr technical books co mathematsrs. accounting shorthand. anchanical drawing. photograph, 111.1111.0.1. travel books, popular MOCT.P... hiatodes and books an curreat attain tux relaxation. the rem drone ddeettee and 1.7..err tr.W.II. and fret on if wet tat ancient a vintage bi case of ea.. the caresm *00 vat. %Imo Mgr