The Jackie & Dad Morning Report
A monthly Morning Report...Go figure...
Where Else Can I Go?
Jackie is the one on the right What Is It?
The J&D Morning Report is certainly not a morning report, and honestly we're not really sure what it is. We do know that we had an itch, we scratched it, and this is what resulted. We're not sure how often we'll do this, or if we'll ever do this again. It depends upon the response we get from the first one. Remember: We'll probably get better!!!
An American in China

Xiamen Weather

Gulf War Vets

Go Straight

Mike's Running Log
How Do I Hear It?
Sure, stick your finger in the fire. If that's your plan, you can download it two ways. The first is for those of you who have high-bandwidth connections or don't care about waiting forever. You can find that file HERE. The second option is for people who don't have fast internet connections or just hate to wait more than two minutes for anything in life. That file is found HERE.
What is it About? 20Jan06 Edition!
The first edition is out and you can download it under the 'How Do I Hear It? section above. An archive section will come as soon as there is something to archive, assuming we don't cancel ourselves. You can prevent cancelling by writing to us and telling us that the show was marginally tolerable!

There is a loose, but existing format for the show. Features include family news, Xiamen local news, our 'Topic of the Month' Interview, our Obscure Eighties Song of the Month, and a Bloopers reel at the end of the song (don't miss that...we think it's better than the actual show). Other than that it is basically three people sitting around a microphone reading a script trying very hard not to sound like they are reading a script. Enjoy it, don't question it!
Ain't Got None Yet. Don't forget to email us and tell us we're great so we can continue the show.