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Charlie says:
"AVRide rates #1 for AVR Assemblers!"




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About the Author of AVRide

Last Update 15 Apr 2000
(c) 2000 D.C.Meintjies











This is the home page of AVRide, the most powerfull editor/assembler for Atmel's range of AVR microcontrollers. On this site you will also find other utilities related to microcontroller programming, as well as a few components I have written for Delphi 1 and C++Builder 1 and 3. Read on to find out more about AVRide, or go directly to the downloads page to download AVRide, related utilities and components.

AVRide is a fully integrated design environment for creating projects in assembly language for Atmel's range of AVR devices. So what's different about AVRide then? Surely there are a lot of design environments out there? Take a look at these features:

  • Project wizard creates your initial project files and templates for you
  • Interrupt Wizard lets you add or remove interrupt handlers without you typing any code!
  • Fully integrated project management
  • Peripheral Wizards creates your code for you to initialize the various peripherals of the AVR devices. For example, to use the UART you simply tell AVRide how you want to use it, what your required baud rate is and voila! Your UART is up and running
  • Supports placement of initialized data in your Eeprom segment
  • Initializes your I/O ports for you (direction, state, etc.)
  • Fully supports the programmer provided with the AVR starter kit from Atmel
  • Supports the 1200, 2313, 2323, 2343, 4414 and 8515 devices
  • Object files compatible with Atmel's AVR Studio for source level simulation/debugging
  • Quick procedure search
  • And much more!

Where can I obtain a copy of this fantastic product?
Right here! Simply go to the downloads page, download AVRide and use it, it's free!

What does AVRide cost?
Nothing, it's absolutely free! Enjoy. Actually, it's free because I am working on my own C compiler for the AVR (because I simply haven't found one yet that does what I want it to do). An interim copy of the compiler (just the IDE-editor at this stage) is also available for download here. Again, it's for free!

But wait! There's more! If you order now... Bla.
OK, you've come across my site, so I'll give you some utilities for the 8051 series as well. No serious, just download it, it's yours. They include an assembler and a binary-to-hex converter

And the C Code Editor ?
Well, you may download and use it for free. At this stage there is little (basically none) documentation on how to use it, but just right-click in the edit window to bring the most popular commands. You'll be pleasantly surprised in the features built into the editor, like function search, goto function / goto function definition, code completion, and more!

Why is this guy giving away all this free stuff?
Normally, when I come across a site advertising a lot of free stuff I always look for the catch. I mean, who's going to give away stuff and not expect something in return? Well this site is diferent. This stuff is really free, you don't need to fill in any forms, or register any software or pay any royalties or anything like that. Just drop me an email if you use the software and you think it's handy. OK?

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