Manoj Panse





·         About 5 years of work experience in design and development using C++/Visual C++/C# for complex application software for various domains.

·         Fast learner with an analytical mind, a logical approach, insatiable appetite for knowledge and a diligent attitude.

·         Strong academic background and excellent programming skills in C, C++, Visual C++, C#, XML, XSLT and SQL Server

·         Worked on Visual C++, Visual C#.NET, Turbo C++, Metrowerks Code Warrior development tools

·         Expertise with the .NET Framework Classes, MFC, Win32 API

·         Worked on MS SQL Server, MS Access RDBMS

·         Hands on experience with XML, XSLT, Windows NT Services, Multi-threaded programming, InstallShield, ADO, ADO.NET, COM/DCOM, MTS/COM+

·         Hands on experience with MS Visual SourceSafe, Rational Clearcase, PVCS Dimensions and CVS Configuration Management tools

·         Worked on DOS, Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Linux, DEOS, Mac OS X/9.2 Operating Systems

·         Familiar with ISO 9000 family, SEI-CMM, SEI-CMMi, Six Sigma, DO-178B Process/Quality Models

·         Familiar with Cheque Processing, Avionics, Gamma-ray spectrometry, Cryptography, Publishing Industry, ERP process monitoring domains

·         Familiar with ATL, STL class libraries

·         Familiar with Rational Rose, MS Visio, UML, MATLAB design tools



·         Excellent appraisal ratings for evaluations at Tata Infotech Ltd., Honeywell and Approva.

·         Customer award at Honeywell SSL for the year 2002.

·         Am known for my quick learning and problem solving abilities, and so, am usually assigned complex tasks.


Education and Training:

·         B.E in Electronics Engineering (First Class), Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai

·         Unix and C course at TULEC (Education Division of Tata Infotech Ltd.) in the year 2000.

·         Underwent a comprehensive training program at Tata Infotech Ltd., Mumbai, on database concepts, Oracle 8.0, Object Oriented Programming, Java, Unix, Internet Technologies, HTML, XML, and Visual Basic 6.0. Also, covered Software Engineering, Quality standards, SEI-CMM standards, Testing, Reviews, Technical Documentation and Self-Development Programs.

·         Modeling with UML and Rational Rose 2000 at TIL, Mumbai.

·         Information Security Course covering basics of Cryptography, at TIL

·         Introduction to Avionics course at Honeywell Software Solutions Labs, Bangalore

·         “Design for Six Sigma” process certification course at Honeywell Software Solutions Labs, Bangalore


Trainings Conducted:

·         Visual C++ (8 day course) at Tata Infotech Ltd., Mumbai.

·         C++ (3 day course) at Tata Infotech Ltd., Mumbai


Professional Experience:


Client:            Approva Corporation, Vienna, VA

Project Title: BizRights – Business Process Solutions

Period:            January 2004 – January 2005


BizRights is a continuous monitoring system for ERP solutions developed as a web application in C# and .NET. The Business Process Solutions feature of BizRights is aimed at monitoring all transactions in the ERP system and providing an easy-to-use GUI for this monitoring activity. We presently support Purchase-To-Pay process monitoring for SAP systems.


My Role:

§         Design and development of the core module. This module performed tasks like configuration/settings control, extraction of data from ERP systems using process modules, rule definition, rule analysis, baselining of data etc. The module was made up of web services that internally delegated to remoted components developed in C# and hosted in NT services that actually performed the duties. These web services were for consumption by the UI web application, and other BizRights components like the adapter, process modules etc.

o        Developed Web Services using C# and .NET

o        Developed NT services using C# and .NET

o        Developed remoted component dlls using C#, .NET remoting

o        Developed XSLTs for data mapping during process module publication, data extractions, etc.

§         Design and development of the Task Manager. This module was responsible for controlling as well as the UI updation of the progress and status of long-running tasks such as data extraction, rule analysis, baselining etc. The module involved a web service that internally delegated to remoted components hosted in a NT service that actually performed the duties.

o        Spawning threads to monitor long running tasks

o        Update the status and progress of long running tasks to the database and UI

§         Design and development of the Order to Cash Process Module. This consisted of generating Design and development of the Generic Installer for Process Modules. This is a C# Winforms application that is used for installing a process module over the already installed BizRights application.

§         Design and development of the Order to Cash Process Module. This consisted of generating the SAP Order to Cash schema for BizRights, and coding for customized data extraction of certain objects.

§         Object oriented methodologies were used for the design.

§         Generate Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams for the above designs using UML and MS Visio.

§         Mentoring new joinees, monitoring their work and helping them become productive quickly.


Skills employed: C#, .NET, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, ADO.NET, NT Services, multi-threading and thread synchronization, Winforms, UML, MS Visio.



Client:            Quark, Denver, CO

Project Title: QuarkDMS Xpress Client Xtension

Period:            March 2003 – December 2003


Quark Digital Media System™ (QuarkDMS™) is a content management system designed for organizations in the publishing industry. The Xpress Client Xtension is one of the DMS client softwares that is also a QuarkXpress Xtension, and thus provides the QuarkDMS client functionality from within QuarkXpress.


My Role:

§         Defect fixing for QuarkDMS (Xpress Xtension Client) version 1.9, 2.0 and 2.1

§         Development of new features for QuarkDMS (Xpress Xtension Client) version 2.1. This included the ability to check-in an asset into QuarkDMS directly from memory without writing a file to disk.


Skills employed: C++, STL, Publishing domain knowledge.



Client:            Business and Regional General Aviation (BRGA), Honeywell

Project Title: Primus EPIC Displays

Period:            September 2002 – March 2003


Primus Epic Displays is the cockpit flat panel displays system that is part of an integrated avionics system for business, regional and helicopter aircraft. The software for these displays has been developed using C++ for the Digital Engine Operating System (DEOS), which is a Honeywell proprietary OS for embedded systems.


My Role:


§         Code reviews of the following modules:

1.      Monitor Warning Functions (MWF), Graphics generator Functions (GGF) and Control abstraction layer functions (CALF) of GulfStream Planeview aircraft

2.      GGF and CALF of Agusta-Bell 139 helicopter

3.      GGF and CALF of Embraer 170 aircraft

4.      GGF and CALF of Cessna Citation Sovereign aircraft

§         The code reviews were done for FAA certification along the DO-178B guidelines. The main areas of review were:

1.      Strict conformance to requirements and design

2.      Strict conformance to Honeywell coding guidelines, which included guidelines for usage of language constructs, logical errors, warnings, formatting, etc.


Skills employed: C/C++, OpenGL, DEOS, MATLAB, avionics domain knowledge.



Tata Infotech Ltd., Mumbai:


Client:            Nine Network, Australia

Project Title: Scheduler Application for TV channel program scheduling

Period:            April 2002 – May 2002


The NNA Scheduler application was developed by Tata Infotech Ltd. to provide a user friendly GUI for scheduling programs. The prototype for this application was developed using MFC, Visual C++ and SQL Server.


My Role:

§         Design, develop and test the prototype. UML and Object oriented methodologies were used for the design and development. The main features of this application are as follows:


A window divided into three regions:

§         A Program Palette Area with a tree structure displaying the catalogue of programs

§         A Scheduler Area with a grid-like view where the schedule is displayed graphically

§         A Program Breakup Area that displayed the breakup of the selected scheduled program.

§         Drag and Drop from the Program Palette Area into the Scheduler area, as a simple means of scheduling programs.

§         Drag and Drop within the Scheduler area as a means of re-scheduling programs.

§         Different views in the Scheduler Area as follows:

1.      Date Vs Time View

2.      Time Vs Date View

3.      Channel Vs Date-Time View

§         Various other features in the Scheduler area, like displaying the date-time for the current mouse location in the status bar, displaying the Category, Program and Episode name in the status bar etc.

§         Zoom in/out in the Program Breakup View

§         Ability to insert advertisements/promotional messages, in the Program Breakup View.

§         Also designed the application for implementation in Visual C#.NET.


Skills employed: Visual C++, MFC, Win32 API, Visual C#.NET, .NET Framework Classes, ADO.NET, UML.



Client:            Wausau Financial Systems

Project Title:  ChequeOnce Application Suite

Period:            November 2000 - January 2002, June 2002 – July 2002


This is a branch capture application developed by Tata Infotech Ltd., hat allows banks to capture the images of documents (cheques) at the branch level, and then use those images for the further downstream processing.


My Role:

I was primarily responsible for the design and development of the following modules/tasks:


§         Jam Recovery in CaptureOnce: This is a feature for recovering from paper jams in cheque sorters, where they may be re-scanned, edited or rejected depending upon the status of their processing in the sorter hardware

§         Crash Recovery in CaptureOnce: This feature was meant for recovering the capture application from a network failure, power failure etc. The logic involved maintaining the state of the application in a local database, restricting the scanning process in case of network failures etc.

§         Generate Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams for the above designs using UML and Rational Rose.

§         Batch Deletion utility.

§         Qualification of the TS200 sorter.

§         Qualification of ChequeOnce on Windows 2000, and migration from MTS to COM+.

§         Modification of the Edit-Box ActiveX control for Ina-grid to be used for Reject Reentry.

§         On-site co-ordination of system and acceptance testing.

§         Training to the new support team in June - July 2002.


Skills employed: Visual C++, SQL Server, MFC, Windows API, InstallShield Professional, ATL, COM/DCOM, ADO, MTS/COM+, NT Services, multi-threading and thread synchronization, cheque processing domain knowledge, UML, Rational Rose.



Client:            Tata Infotech Ltd. (Product)

Project Title:  SignBank

Period:            July 2002 – Aug 2002


SignBank is a signature verification product developed by Tata Infotech Ltd. I was responsible for the addition of a small new feature to customize the product for a customer. I was also part of the team responsible for system testing and defect fixing for a new version of the product, which incorporated a host of new features.


My Role:

§         Customization of the product for a customer

§         System testing and defect fixing


Skills employed: Visual C++, MFC, COM, ADO, NT Services, Win32 API



Client:            Unisys Corporation

Project Title:  Estimation for enhancements to the UeWI product

Period:            April 2002

Unisys e-Workflow and Imaging (UeWI) is a document imaging and workflow product from Unisys, developed using Visual C++. The purpose of this activity was to estimate the efforts required to introduce certain enhancements to this product.


My Role:

§         Understanding and analysis of the product architecture.

§         Designing the enhancements at a high level

§         Determining the effort required for implementing the design.


Skills employed: Visual C++, NT Services, Win32 API



Client:            Tata Infotech Ltd. (Product)

Project Title:  Optimization of the Multi-Precision Library for SCOUT (Security Components and Utilities Toolkit)

Period:            March 2002

The Big-Num multi-precision library is a set of functions for performing mathematical operations on huge numbers. The numbers are represented by a data structure containing an array of integers, which represent digits of the number represented with base 32. The library is developed in C/C++ for the Linux platform. The present implementation of the multi-precision library was slow and needed to be optimized for performing real-time complex mathematical operations on huge numbers.


My Role:

§         Profiling the Big-Num library using gprof

§         Testing of the current version of the library to determine the slow operations.

§         Statistical analysis of the observations to determine the causes of low speed of operation.


Skills employed: C++, Linux, vi, gprof, cryptography



Client:            Capital One

Project Title:  Installation Script for a prototype of “Letter Template Admin Tool”

Period:            2 weeks in February 2002

The “Letter Template Admin Tool” is an application prototype for generating and managing templates of MS Word documents, developed by Tata Infotech Ltd. for Capital One, USA. The tool is capable of creating, modifying templates of Word Documents and storing the information in an Oracle database.


My Role:

§         I was responsible for generating the installation script for this tool using InstallShield Professional version 6.2.

§         I was also responsible for system testing of the tool.


Skills employed: InstallShield Professional 6.2



Client:            Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

Project Title:  Software for gamma-ray spectrum analysis

Period:            July 1999 – April 2000


The aim of the project was to develop software for the analysis of complex gamma-ray spectra emitted by any radioactive material. The Gamma-ray spectrum of a sample is characteristic of the contents of the sample and thus can be used to identify the contents and their proportions. The gamma-ray spectrum consists of discrete lines, but when detected using a Multi-channel analyzer (MCA), it appears as a continuous curve with significant peaks appearing in place of the discrete lines, due to the non-ideal, non-linear behavior of the MCA.


The objective of the project was to develop software that will identify all the significant peaks in the spectrum, and fit them to a defined peak function (Gaussian with exponential tails) using non-linear optimization procedures. The software also performs characterization functions like Energy, Efficiency calibration so that it can be customized and used with any MCA.


My Role:

§         Study of Gamma-ray spectrometry.

§         Study of the algorithms used for non-linear curve fitting

§         Design and development of the entire software program.

§         Implementation of the User Interface for displaying the actual curve, the detected peaks, the fitted curve, and the energy and efficiency curves for the given spectrum obtained from the MCA

§         Implementation of the algorithm for peak detection, energy calibration, effieciency calibration.

§         Implementation of the DFP (Daviddon-Fletcher-Powell) non-linear curve-fitting algorithm for peak fitting.


Skills employed: Visual C++, MFC, Win32 API, gamma-ray spectrometry, non-linear curve-fitting algorithms.