Q: I have some problem to buy the lcd. Where can I order and how much are they? A: LCDs can be ordered at: http://www.digisys.net/timeline/lcd.html#alpha or http://www.eio.com/lcdprodt.htm or maybe http://www.rs-components.com/index.htm in Germany I recommend Conrad Electronik: http://www.conrad.de Try your local electronic-dealer like Frys or Radio-Shack in US. The prices are very different - I cannot tell. Q: Where can I get this little remote? A: I have only seen this remote at http://www.conrad.de Yes, I know it is difficult to order from US at Conrad. If I find more I will tell you.... Q: From where did you get the nice case you use? A: It was an old 286 PC desktop. The front was build new and all was painted black. The feets are from an old cdplayer. I tried to use this old player, but I got problems to put all things in that case, especially the power supply.... Q: I have problems with the LCD connection to the printer port. Nothing is on the screen. What is wrong? A: Please check all connections to the LCD! In most cases the 2 signals RS and EN are not connected right. If you have connected all in the way showed below, it has to work! LPT-Pins LCD-Pins 1 2 -------- 7 D0 3 -------- 8 4 -------- 9 5 -------- 10 6 -------- 11 7 -------- 12 8 -------- 13 9 -------- 14 D7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -------- 4 Registerselect RS !! 17 -------- 6 Enable EN !! 18 19 -------- 1, 5 GND, R/W 20 21 22 23 24 25 remaining LCDpins: 2 VCC 5V from PC Powersupply 3 Contrast, can go to GND 15 Backlight - (optional) 16 Backlight + (optional) Once more please check RS and EN ! Q: I have a LCD with backlight. It works but it becomes hot. A: Oh. Look at the specifications of your LCD! Normaly you need a resistor (~60 Ohms, 0,5W) in serial from LED-Anode to VCC. Q: Which LCDs are supported by MAP? A: MAP supports 2x40, 2x20 and 2x16 LCDs based on the Hitachi HD44780 controller. Maybe in future time MAP will support more. Q: May I Get your source code ? A: No, sorry not. Q: Which other DOS-players run with MAP? A: Till version 2.02 MAP supports mpxplay only. Because any player has its specific environment and it is hard to supply all existing players. mpxplay is a very good DOS player and is still under development. It has cool features etc.. Q: Does MAP run with a 486 DX 133 MHz? A: MAP runs on a 486 sure. But the restrictions come from mpxplay! So please look at mpxplays FAQ, if the player runs well on a slow CPU, or just try it... Q: Can you tell me, in which language you wrote this player ? A: MAP is written in C++. Q: How can I select a specific song? A: Just type in the number of the song you want to hear. Press play when you are ready. Since version 2.08 you can select a song during playing. Type in the number and MAP provides automatically the next song to the player. Note this feature works only when the number comes from the remote. Q: When I am registered do I get almost the newest version of MAP? A: Yes. All new developments and bugfixes of the software are for free to registered users for 1 year. Please tell me your new email address if it changes! Q: Do you take credit cards? A: Sorry no. Check or cash only. Bank transfer in Germany is also possible. If you have additional questions, feel free to email me!