
hye every body well i am 20 years old i was born in pakistan and raised in saudia arabia i finished my college education in saudia arabia now i am doing B.S in Information family
consists of three brothers and parents ofcourse and unfortunately no sister.well
i think thats it.


and also

and i dig


well i like to play basketball.i like music especially trans and i like to meet new people and make friends but sometimes i like to be alone well i like to watch movies and stuff and losse fitting kind of clothes and i hate tie.

my friens like

and they like

and above all

well about my family what cai i say i am lucky to have such a family.starting from my father he is a engg.and he is
a great man the thing i like about him the most is that he a good muslim and i assume my self lucky with my father's
concept when he replied to person's question that person
asked my father all your life
you nerver made any investment
what are your assets and he said the golden words that " my children are my assets".
My mother well what can i say
she was a great sportwoman in
her time and always lead the time as captain well i can she continued leading our team our family and i'd say
she made us win i got great
mother i love her very much.
My brothers well each one specail hmmm what can i say
well the starting from the
youngest he likes to play much and enjoy life rather than take it more serious
eldest one well he has come along way as he has done his flying course and is looking for job may God help him.
well mow the middle one well
he is one the most hardworking people i've ever met in my life...well that's
about to wrap it up

friends ever since i was a child whenever i got close to a person i mean best friends
well his father had to tranferred our they are moving somewhere else so i can't much about best friends
in my life i had many friends
some good and some bad apples
well any way currently i don't have many friends and a
about girl friend's i had many girl's as a friend never
a girl friend well i don't like get involve much but i think it's about time now
so wish me luck