Love And Joy With Inner Silence

"Love is the natural kind of meditation
and meditation is the supernatural kind of love."



Never Born
Never Died
Only Visited this
Planet Earth between
Dec 11,1931 - Jan 19,1990

We love you Osho

When the Zen Master says: "Have a cup of tea", he's saying: "Taste a little of Bodhidharma. Don't bother about these questions: Whether God exists or not? Who created the world? Where is heaven and where is hell? And what is the theory of KARMA and rebirth?" When the Zen Master says: "Forget all about it. Have a cup of tea," he's saying: "Better become more aware, don't go into all this nonsense. This is not going to help you at all." But don't think that he is silent. He's speaking, he's speaking with a hammer!

Friends, Meditation Centers, Camps, News & much more..]
(since 18th June,04)

"Just your laughter will be enough to prevent the war. Your celebration, your dance, will be enough to prevent the war. Your ecstasy, your meditation, will create a tremendous force which will be far higher because it is life-affirmative."

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"Up to now we have not helped man to know what love is; on the contrary we have been forcing him to get married. Marriage has to be the first thing and then love will come on its own accord. That whole idea has proved totally wrong. Man has lived in hell for centuries."

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"Without science,the East has lost much; without meditation the West has lost much. I am trying to bring together East and West, because together they will create the whole."

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