Welcome to the Bivalkar Website

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This website started out as my experiment with Linux Servers. It has become a tool for family and friends to share pictures online.

Follow the links to some of the websites hosted here


Personals/ Hobbies  
Sameer Bivalkar Personal website (Never had the time to put one up)
Aditi Bivalkar Paintings, paintings and more Beautiful paintings
Neel Bivalkar The Bivalkar 'Down Under' (Melbourne 2003)
Model Trains Model Trains, DIY stuff
Forest Street Apartment New Apartment (Aug 2004)
Trips around the world  
Goa Beach resort in India (July 2003)
Europe Paris, Munich and Salzburg (June 2004)
Acadia Camping at Acadia National Park (July 2004)
Family / Friends and Kids  
Maya Abhyankar Our Favorite niece (Hari & Deepali Abhyankar)
Divya Agate Aniruddha and Pratima's 'Bundle of Joy'
Talwalkar's The Talwalkar's

This website is hosted on a Pentium 400 running Mandrake Linux 10.0, Apache 2.0 and DSL as the uplink. I will try and keep most of these websites clean and free of pop-up and limit the picture sizes for quicker load times and easier browsing.


Thanks you for Visiting.


You are Visitor # Since Aug, 10 2004