Applets that I have made, for my java class:
Name | Size[bytes] | Download | Description |
javaHw1.htm | 1677 | IDandPIN.class | This program asks the user to an permanent ID nr. and an PIN nr. If IDnr%10037 equals PINnr prints "Access Granted" otherwise prints "Access Denied" |
javaHw2.htm | 1794 | FlashScr.class | This program just draws a few things using the Graphics, Color, Polygon and Font classes from the "awt" package |
javaHw4.htm | 2165 | MinGrade2.class | This program asks the user to enter an number from 0 to 10 for 10 times or to enter 99 to enter less numbers. The user can restart the program by entering 99. The program displays the lowest grade number entered by the user. |
javaHw5.htm | 3801 | MinGrade3.class | This program asks the user to enter an number from 0 to 10 for 10 times or to enter 99 to enter less numbers. It also alows the user to enter an idnr for that grade |
javaHw6.htm | 3541 | FlashScr2.class | This program is basically the same as javaHw2 but it has a animation of an walking thing added to it. |
Test2.htm | 4757 | Test2.class | This program breaks a picture in squares of size 100x100 pixels and then rebuilds the picture either randomly or in sequence. |
javaHw7.htm | 9989 | JavaHw7.class | This applet allows the user to enter maximum 10 students to sort them by name, id or grade. Also you can remove any of the students or edit any of them. |
Name | Size[bytes] | Download | Description |
CuteBut.htm | 6156 | not available | This applet displays a message in status box, displays a image and plays a sound when the mouse enters, exits or clicks on it. On click will connect to a different site, in the same window or in a new window! |
ChooseColor.htm | 8092 | not available | This applet allows the user to choose foreground and background colors by entering their RGB or HEX values or by clicking on a specific color. The RGB and HEX values can be viewed or edited at any time. |
SiteCount.htm | 4523 | not available | This applet is supposed to count number of hits that a site takes, but for some reason it can't read and/or write to any file that resides in the same directory as itself! |
iprox.htm iproxn.htm |
9438 | not available | These applets display a text watermark over a image. It can be animated or not. User can specify watermark trancparency level. The first one is for IE and the iproxn is for Netscape(it runs faster on Netscape browser). |
iprox_text.htm iprox_image.htm |
9438 | not available | These appletes are similar with the previous two but don't animate. The text displays a text watermark, while the image displays a transparent image over the user_image. The second one requires that your browser supports java 1.2. |
leftscroll.htm | 5561 | not available | This applet moves a line a text from left to right. User can change: speed, foreground, background, font and of course the text! |
AlarmClock.htm | 19573 | not available | This is an alarm clock. The user can set year, month, day, hour and minute when it wants alarm to start. The song it plays can be also changed! |
Counter.htm | 17204 | not available | This applet counts up or down. The user can set day, hour, minute and second. The song it plays can be also changed! |
finder.htm | 13686 | not available | This applet searches for files with a specific name in its onw directory. Wild characters like ?[for one character], and *[0 or more characters ] can be used, but not concurently! |
emailx.htm | 5531 | not available | This applet allows to send a e-mail message using the SMTP protocol! |