We are looking for musicians of all kinds. No matter what you play you can be of use to the band. Currently we have 1 drummer 2 rythmn guitarists and 1 bass player.HOW DO YOU JOIN?
If you have a microphone hooked up to your computer and a sound recording program (i.e.MS Sound Recorder) then you've got all you need. All you have to do is record a .wav file using your sound recording program, then send it to me. Once we get a couple of different riffs together we will mix them together to complete a song, Thus you are a part a band.
Once we have compiled all the different samples and created a complete song you will be notified and sent a copy of the completed material.To join without sending any music just e-mail me at stardogg@mailman.wirefire.com and use JOIN THE BAND as the subject, Or click here to leave a message on our message board.
WHO GETS CREDIT FOR YOUR WORK?DOWNLOAD ICQ NOW!This is not an attempt to make money in any way, so I assure you that any and all credit will be given to those individuals that are associated with the project. (Your name will included in the credits) And if any money is acquired through the distribution of these songs you will be paid accordigly.
If you have any questions feel free to E-mail ,ICQ, or leave a message on the message board.
I would also love to hear some samples from WIND Instruments, and other stringed instruments.
Created by Starchild
The Starchild Project@1998 Starchild Recordings