Old Pictures


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Here's regular pics they arent funny or disgusting or anything just me, friends, and family. Click on the image to make it bigger.

4brothers.jpg (20600 bytes)

This is a pic of my brothers and I (starting from bottom left going clockwise) Me, James,  John, and Jake


communism.jpg (76590 bytes)    My communist brother John at a young age.......

GI JOe.jpg (91070 bytes)    Here's my communist pic.......

 joe.jpg (51035 bytes)    Me in the Powerman5000 concert Feb '00. My friend snuck in a camera.

 suyandkimo.jpg (188496 bytes)    Baby picture....me on the left my brother on the right. I think I was three at the time.

cousins93.jpg (24029 bytes)cousins87resized.jpg (35747 bytes)cousins99.jpg (62956 bytes)

These are pictures that my family takes of all my cousins every time we're all together in one roof, which doesn't happen a lot. And there is always someone missing.....they were taken in '87, '93 and '99

nhspic.jpg (82127 bytes)    Me, Pete, and Brian at the NHS ceremony for my brother.

staticx.jpg (75602 bytes)    Static-X opening for PM5K.

Robthesickman.jpg (32281 bytes)      This is Rob coughin like an old man....this pic got a 4.6 rating on Amihotornot.com lol

Pedro.jpg (35413 bytes)    This is Pedro I tried to put this pic on HotOrNot.com but they rejected it cause he looked too young lol

  my AK.jpg (81641 bytes)    Another communist pic of my bro....yeah he has a bunch i thinkt his one's the best.

  gomez.jpg (96937 bytes)    Just me messing around with Photoshop I put Brian on the planks....

greencarde.jpg (31993 bytes)     This is for all you people that think I stowed away in the landing gear of a 747.

newyearsdunce.jpg (224880 bytes)    My sister and me New Years.

van.jpg (171008 bytes)    School ski trip upstate January '01...taken during the 5 hour drive to get to the motel.

deadangel.jpg (162640 bytes)    What the hell is Angel doing in this pic?

 drinkup.jpg (120674 bytes)    No girls around the motel but we had fun anyway.

funny.jpg (61605 bytes)    More drinking and getting drunker by the minute.....

room.jpg (159148 bytes)    Me and my roommates just havin fun....(notice kenny's hairy ass my face covered up)

twins.jpg (49081 bytes)    The moron brothers....don't get along with others....this pic proves Angel and Brian were separated at birth.

restaurant.jpg (189248 bytes)    This is us 7am the next day at some hillbilly diner trying to get some food to eat.

kennybustingass.jpg (63037 bytes)    Finally we get to ski....this is Kenny busting his ass beautifully on the beginner slope lol