- Overview
- If this is the first time you visit this home page, don't forget to take a look at the overview.
The purpose, the rationale, how I intend to keep it, and other things you may want to know about this page will be referred here.
- Java
- Java language is one of the most interesting things that show up lately.
It's relation with the Internet is obvious, although it's potential is most larger than that. In this page, I will keep some information about the language and related issues.
- Links
- This is a list of links to several sites I found interesting.
- Programs
- This is the place where I intend to maintain some development of my own.
They are, mostly, experiments related in some degree, with HTML, Java and JavaScript.
- Info
- I've been using computers and software since 1984.
For that time I used CP/M, DOS, Windows and OS/2 in computers ranging from the old 8086 to the new Pentium. Maybe the information I can put here can make life easer to those arriving now. These are mostly information about systems and some tricks and tips.