Committee Members of FAMPARC

Executive Committee for 2000

President   Peter Brennan  VK3TE   9789 9028
Vice-president  Greg Treble   VK3KV   9772 6679
Secretary   Brian Rich   VK3VBJ   9870 4437
Ass-Secretary  Gerard Werner  VK3GER  9773 6313
Treasurer   Craig Hewett   VK3JCH   03 5998 2300

General Committee Members

Committee   Jan Brennan   VK3HJB   9789 9028
Committee   Bill Grypstra   VK3MMM  9781 2886
Committee   Andrew Wilson  VK3FIX   7799 3202
Class Coordinator  Peter Brennan  VK3TE   9789 9028
Class Instructor  Peter Repschlager VK3YG        03  5978 6487
Public Officer   Jeff Fletcher   VK3EUL              03  5983 9257
QSL Manager  Bill Grypstra   VK3MMM  9781 2886
Equipment Officer  Fred Turner   VK3DRX   9787 2866
Publicity Officer  Greg Treble   VK3KV   9772 6679
Building  Supervisor Craig Hewett   VK3JCH             03  5998 2300
Note: These are after hours numbers!

Subscriptions Due NOW

Just a reminder that subs are due as of January 2000. As mentioned in the previous Newsletter the current fee structure is as follows:
Two calls family membership    $30
One call senior/ family membership   $25
Junior with call      $20
Pensioner and pensioner family membrship $20

For those who are still not financial, your treasurer Craig is looking forward to receive your payment via our post office box 65, Patterson Lakes 3197, or at the next meeting.

Special event station VI3GP

As previous years you can listen and work the special event station VI3GP. This is run by members of the Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club from 9 to 12 March 2000, 24 hours a day, with exception of the actual Grand Prix race on Sunday 12 March. Be part of the pile-up be rewarded with a QSL-card.

Items for Sale
Yeasu FT101-E 160/80/40/20/15/10m HF transceiver, analog freq. readout, with spare finals (GE-6JS6C) and workshop manual $350.
Realistic HTX-100 25W 10 mtr SSB/CW transceiver with digital VFO and display, including mobile bracket. $250
Contact Gerard (VK3GER) on (AH) 9773 6313.

FAMPARC News March 2000  Page 4