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This page is made for Mpxplay audio player.(screenshot)
Mpxplay is an audio player for DOS and Win32 (Win98,2K,XP) operating systems, developed in OpenWatcom C v1.3
Supported files:
- audio: AAC, AC3, APE, FLAC, MP2/MP3, MPC, VORBIS, WMA, WV and CDW (Audio CD ripp'n'play); with plugins: DTS, MOD, SPEEX
- containers: ASF (WMA/WMV), AVI, MP4 (M4A), OGG, WAV
- playlists: M3U, M3U8, PLS, FPL, CUE, MXU
More special functions (not full list):
- control with keyboard, mouse, joystick, serial port (infra receiver)
- playlist handling, drive and directory scan
- useful playlist related functions (sort, tag-filter, on-screen editing)
- fast forward and rewind (seeking), between the songs too
- cross-fade songs in real time
- auto volume correction; dynamic limiter; surround, speed (freq) control, tone control (mp2,mp3,mpc only)
- LCD-display handling
- ID3 tag editor and list maker (list->id3tag, id3tag->list)
- Unicode (UTF-16, UTF-8) handling (APETagv2, ASF, ID3v2, Flac, M3U8, Ogg)
- LFN (long filenames) support under Windows and DOS too (with DOSLFNv0.40 or DOSLFNv0.33)
- bitstream I/O handling to cut audio streams without re-encoding (aac,ac3,dts,mp2,mp3 only)
- commander functions (file copy,move,rename,del)
- FTP-client (works like a local drive)
- AAC,FLAC,MP3,OGG,WavPack encoding with DLLs
- DSP and visual plugins with DLLs
System requirements for Mpxplay:
CPU: Intel 80486 100mhz (DX4-100) or above
RAM: 4-8Mb
Soundcard (under DOS):
- PCI cards (native handling): SB Live/Live24, Audigy 1,2,4,LS; CMI 8338/8738; Intel ICH, Intel HDA, VIA 686/8233/8235
- ISA cards (or emulation): SB16, ESS, WSS, GUS, SBpro
Operating systems:
- MS-DOS 5, 6, 7 or compatible (FreeDOS, DR-DOS)
- Windows 98, 2000, XP

Download area:
Program name & version
Mpxplay v1.56 beta3 for DOS
Mpxplay v1.56 beta3 + DLL for DOS
Mpxplay v1.56 beta3 for Win32
Release date
Feb 15. 2009.
Feb 15. 2009.
Feb 15. 2009.
with DOS32A extender
with DOS4G 2.xx extender
win32 console version

Program sources:
Program name
Mpxplay v1.56b DOS/Win32
beta 3

PDSoft main URL (linked to the main homepage):
Main and mirror pages: (older Mpxplay versions)
MP3 Car and home-hifi solutions (via Mpxplay): (frontend softwares too) (german) (hungarian) (english/spanish) (portugese) (russian) (russian)
and some old frontend softwares (control TSRs) for Mpxplay: (obsolete)
Collection of freeware and shareware mp3 players, encoders, rippers and other usable audio programs: