Hi I am the SNES rom man. I signed up on 11/03/98 17:43:00. I have five roms in my download section. Come on in and take a look!Download section |
Here is a link spot. I will put up a link to your site if you would like.
The description of my page is: rom Chrono Trigger SNES |
These are the roms that I own. You may request any of them and I will try to e-mail any that I can to you. I check my e-mail once a day, but because of school, it may take a couple days at most. I reserve the right to not send the rom you request, though I problaly will send what ever I can. These are all Super Nintendo roms 7th Saga 7th Saga 2 Actraiser Aerobiz Adventure Island 2 Alberts Odessy 2 (japanese) Alcahest Alien 3 Super Mario All-Star Bastart (japanese) Batman Forever Battle Clash Blackthorne Breath of Fire Breath of Fire 2 Bubsy Cannon Fodder Castlevania 4 Chrono Trigger Contra 3 Cybernator Doom Doom Troopers Digital Devil Story (japanese) Dirt Trax FX Donkey Kong Country Donkey Kong Country 2 Donkey Kong Country 3 Dragon Warrior 6 (translated) Earthbound Secret of Evermore Final Fantasy 2 Final Fantasy 3 Final Fantasy 4 (japanese) Final Fantasy 5 (translated) Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Flashback Front Mission (japanese) F Zero F Zero 2 GemFire (japanese) GunHazard (japanese) Gundamwing The Endless Battle (japanese) Harvest Moon Jurassic Park 2 Killer Instinct Zelda Remix Lucky Luke Lufia Lufia 2 Secret of Mana Secret of Mana 2 (translated) Secret of Mana 2 (japanese) Metal Marines Super Mario World Super Mario Kart Super Mario RPG Super Mario Allstar + world MechWarrior Mega Man 9 (japanese) Mega Man X Mega Man X2 Mortal Kombat 2 Mystical Ninja Panic in Nakayos (japanese) Ninja Gaiden Trilogy Ogre Battle USA PGA Tour Golf Pitfall Kyle Petty: No Fear Racing Rivercity Ransom 2 (japanese) Robotrek Rock N' Roll Racing Shadowrun Simcity Simcity 2 The Simpsons Smash TV The Smurfs Return of the Jedi Super Off-Road Sonic the Hedgehog Sunset Riders Tenchimy the Animated Story Top Gear 2 Top Racer Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 4 Vampire Kiss Super VirginGirl (japanese) Wing Commander Secret Missions Wings 2- Aces High Wolfenstein 3D Worms Yoshi's Island Ys 5 Expert The Legend of Zelda Email me at JoeyGrutt@hotmail.com in the meantime. Please come back soon and visit me.
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