       (with a new surprise)
Hi, I'm a high school student from a suburb of Washington DC and I have an interest in films and the entertainment industry in general. I've seen a  lot of movies and specifically the ones that have been widely acclaimed by critics. A few years ago I saw the list of the top 100 movies form the AFI and I decideed  to make one of my own since I knew a lot about films.
I think there are about 100 really, really good films that stand above the rest so 100 is a good number. I try to write reviews about the movies.

If you're wondering what the numbers mean:
The films are ranked but ranking is kind of hard to do. It's hard to say why film number 53 is higher than number 54. In my reviews, I will explain why the movie is so great and why it is on my list, but I will be unable to explain why the movie is in the place it is. The difficulty of ordering movies from one to one-hundred is pretty big, and I would be lying if I had well-thought reasons for each one of them. On the other hand, there is a definite trend and I probably did the best I could without analyzing the films to death or finding some scoring system. I would say that I could tell you why I put a film in the 30s rather than the 20s or why it's 80-something rather than 90-something.

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