
I finally got a home page up... well... yeah it is not much of a home page yet!! But like I said before I'm workin' on it... Since Mr. Chrnobyl virus... or whatever... had to wipe my computer... I right now don't really have a good Web Page maker (not that I want to use one now... it's fun typing out the source of an html...) I mean I don't even have Netscape Nav 3.0!!! (Right now all I have is NN 2.0!! From the old Brittanica CD97!!) So because of that and the challenge I am 'manually' making this page... you know by typing everything out... But I can say that I did everything so far that is... I made the animations up above... and I made a background but it's not working right now... sniff... ah well...

Well I don't have much on my homepage yet... and it's not looking too good right now... soon I'll have a side bar... (I hope) and some music in the background... I don't really know why I am putting my web page up piece by piece... maybe just to show that some progress is being done... ah well...

So right now I have a few link up to some unfinished pages... Bios... Music... and "NEWS"... Slowly they will get fill up... right now music has a page in it that is sort of ready... but needs some working on... However, I don't want to make a music download site...

But anyways... The Bios site might or might not go up... if it does... it'll probably have info on some friends (you guys...) But I seriously doubt I'll bother putting that up... The music page is sort of up... and... well.. Don't you know what's on a music page!?? Sheesh... Then the "NEWS" page will have the "latest" news from here... not that much will happen here until school starts again... so I probably won't have to worry about that... Maybe if you guys (around the world) might want to send over some news now and then (yeah right!) for me to post up there... If I bother I'll probably update that every weekend (yeah right!... but then again I might just be nutty enough to do just that...)

Bios -

Doubtful that this page will ever be up... If it does... It'll have a short bio on some friends (you) and me... and maybe even a picture... ha ha!

Music -

Quite a bit here... Since I started with this... Go here... and then go to the SPC page... great music there...

"NEWS" -

This page will be interesting... Really... I mean it... I'll try to update this every weekend once school starts again... A lot happens... And hopefully you guys not here (Lahore)...

Chrono Trigger -

Thought might as well make a small Chrono Trigger page, though it is very old... hopefully i'll get some good animations up...

You are the nut to come here...