From: "Erik Hanson" To: Subject: ConvertComments changes Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 14:00:11 -0500 George: I found your ConvertComments program right after I tried to javadoc the Acme classes. I wanted to convert all the files so I modified your program to recursively process directories. So now if I call "java ConvertComments Acme", all the .java files in the "Acme" directory will be converted. I changed main() and added a class called addToFileList(). I thought I'd send you my changes in case you are interested. The code isn't very good for two reasons: first, I only spent a few minutes on it, and second, I haven't done much with before. Also, I only tested it with passing in a directory name, not a file name. I only needed the program to work once. Thanks for writing this program, and thanks for putting the source out there! Erik - - - - - /** Read and write Java source code files. * With no arguments, reads from, writes to System.out. * If given file names overwrites files in place. * Pass a -d to start debugging output to System.err. * Usage: java Acme.ConvertComments [ -d | ...] */ public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException { ConvertComments c = new ConvertComments(); Vector files = new Vector(); if(args.length == 0 || args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("-d")) { c.debug = (args.length == 1); c.convert(, System.out); } else { c.debug = addToFileList( args, null, files ); } int size = files.size(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.out.println( "Files remaining:" ); for ( int j = 0; j < size; j++ ) { out.reset(); System.out.print( size - j + " " ); FileInputStream in = new leInputStream( (File)files.elementAt( j ) ); c.convert(in, out); in.close(); new FileOutputStream( (File)files.elementAt( j ) ).write(out.toByteArray()); } } /** * Add the array of file names to the vector of file names. Recurses directories. * @return true if a debug flag was found. */ public static boolean addToFileList( String inArgs[], File inDirectory, Vector outFileList ) { File file; boolean debug = false; for ( int i = 0; i < inArgs.length; i++ ) { if( inArgs[i].equals( "-d" ) ) System.out.println("Debugging enabled."); debug = true; continue; } if ( inDirectory != null ) { String path = inDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); if ( ! path.endsWith( File.separator ) ) { file = new File( path + File.separatorChar + inArgs[i] ); } else { file = new File( path + inArgs[i] ); } } else { file = new File( inArgs[i] ); } if ( file.isDirectory() ) { addToFileList( file.list(), file, outFileList ); } else { if ( file.getName().endsWith( ".java" ) ) { outFileList.addElement( file ); } } } return debug; }