Engineer III, Principal Software Engineer and Section Manager
Team Lead of BCAPI Group, 3-6 engineers developing the
Bridge Control API and Conference Manager DTK, Java libraries and toolkits
to control the CS700, 780, and 6100 Meeting Exchange
real-time telephone conferencing bridges. Took over a group without func specs or project plan,
introduced regular functional specification review procedure,
first daily automated unit test runs in Avaya Conferencing, noticeably improved shipping code quality,
and began meeting schedules. After 1 year, became the most reliable group in Avaya Conferencing.
In charge of negotiating with SQA and Product Management, scheduling, assigning tasks,
reviewing functional specs and code, as well as substantial individual contributions.
Technical lead for S700 3.3 project, overseeing entire Spectel-Andover engineering group
(~15 engineers) developing a major delivery, including Informix SQL database,
multi-language prompt sets, and integrating a customer API application.
Met with clients, designed, oversaw development and documentation, and delivered on time.
Lead bridge engineer on MultiSite project,
C++ on Windows program integrating multiple bridges to carry a single conference.
Took over project which failed to deliver in 9 months, redesigned and
rewrote from scratch, successfully met goals and delivered in 3 months.
Senior engineer on 3.0 project, delivering "Flex Flow",
emulating rival platform call flow, while improving architecture by rewriting single-threaded
call handler process from legacy C table-driven state machines to
maintainable and expansible C++ multiple stack based call flow classes.
Aided in design and C++ syntax, met with clients, prototyped on Windows, completed on bridge.
Documented bridge development process; made custom RCS commands menu-driven with Emacs scripting;
interviewed dozens of prospective new hires; supported newer developers.
Environment: SCO Unixware (real-time Unix OS), Linux, Windows 2000;
C++ with STL (Standard Template Library),
Java 2: JDK 1.3, 1.4;
Bourne and Korn shell scripts, Emacs Elisp, Windows Batch files,
Informix SQL; Apache Ant build/make tool,
log4j logging,
JUnit automated testing;
Eclipse, JBuilder, Visual C++, Emacs IDEs;
AccuRev, MKS RCS, Visual Source Safe source control; Purify.
Main C++ developer for the Money Movement Encina Web server. Worked on
Trader, Account, and Basket servers, enabling deposits, withdrawals, stock and
mutual fund trading.
Lead server developer on multiple online projects, including Immediate
Funding (setup of bank accounts for money transfer to Fidelity accounts), IRA
withdrawals and directed contributions.
Main front end developer FTPS projects, moved Trader and MM server
communication with back end databases from proprietary interface to B2B
compliant XML for Level 1 Mutual Fund accounts.
Led debugging memory leaks, core dumps, and compiler warnings. Supported
newer developers.
Environment: Sun Solaris Unix; Windows NT;
Sun Workshop, Purify; C++, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Bourne and Korn shell scripts,
Informix SQL.
Consultant, EIP group,
COMIT Voice Over IP gateway/gatekeeper provisioning project.
Created C++ and ProC program to run large scale tests of telephone numbers
on VOIP gateways, inbound and outbound, under a variety of conditions, using
database data lookup and storage, Telnet and Expect connections to gateways,
modems and call simulators.
Ported same program to Java 2, using Java Telnet and Expect libraries from
GTE project.
Wrote Expect (TCL), Bourne Shell Script (sh), and Windows C++ programs for
smaller projects.
Instructed EIP group in use of Java Telnet and Expect libraries.
Maintained and extended shared COMIT C++ and Java class libraries. General
Java advice as needed.
Environment: Sun Solaris Unix; Windows
NT; Oracle 8 for Solaris, Sun TeamWare source control. C++; Oracle ProC; Oracle
SQL; Java 2 (JDK1.2-1.3); Bourne Shell
Scripts; Perl CGI; Visual C++.
Consultant, SiteMinder Web
site access control software.
Adapted SiteMinder to use Windows NT Oracle and MS SQL Server databases
via ODBC. Supported SiteMinder port from NT to Solaris, using Bristol WindU,
Intersolv Oracle ODBC driver.
Developed LDAP database conversion utility, for NT and Solaris.
Maintained, enhanced, and documented existing data object import/export
Environment: Microsoft Visual C++; Windows NT; Sun
Solaris; Oracle 8 for NT and Solaris; Intersolv ODBC Oracle driver; Microsoft
SQL Server; ODBC; ERWin abstract schema design tool; Netscape Directory Server;
LDAP; Bristol WindU; Microsoft Visual Source Safe.
Designed multiple X-Windows (Sun XView) GUI applications, including a
front end for an existing command line tool, and an Executive coordinating all
other Teradyne IMAGE digital tools.
Added Event Recording & Replaying capability to these and existing
X-Windows GUI tools, to save user actions, such as mouse clicks and menu
choices, to a file for later non-interactive replay.
Wrote modular Bourne Shell test scripts that replayed representative test
sequences of program GUI controls, including edge cases.
Environment: UNIX: Solaris 2, SunOS 4; X-Windows: XView, C,
C++, Bourne Shell (sh); ClearCase
revision control system.
Consultant, Digital
Services Test Systems group, qualifying telephone lines for ADSL installation.
Wrote 2 Java and CGI clients for remote database servers, operating via
TCP sockets, X25, Telnet, and/or proprietary Assoc interface, with C native
method for receiving out-of-band (OOB) socket data.
Created complex JavaCC parser for reading loosely formatted data. Wrote
two Java daemon applications to automatically gather and republish data from
remote hosts via Telnet, FTP, and HTTP.
Implemented Telnet and Expect-like
protocols in Java. Maintained existing C++ line testing software.
Administered CVS revision control
system. Developed group programming, code management, and documentation
standards. Advised group on Java and CGI programming.
Designed and implemented 2 initial Search processes using
TCP Internet Sockets to get around Khoros data flow limitations. Built complex
GUI in Khoros for X-Windows.
Designed the PEMS Testbed: expanding
Search code to give other module developers simple
programming interface to MSTAR. Led 3 engineer implementation
Coordinated formal, detailed Search software
documentation (User's Manual, Programmer's Manual, Test Description, Test
Report, ~250 pages) for each delivery. Created and maintained the
ALPHATECH MSTAR World Wide Web pages with software, papers,
and documentation.
Lead Software Engineer,
vMax voice recognition system for industrial communication.
Real time program linking users in a noisy factory wearing radio headsets to a
dedicated 486 PC.
Designed and prototyped the program in Borland Turbo C++ for Microsoft
Windows 3.1, using the Object Windows Library (OWL), SoundBlaster
sound card, IBM MWave WindSurfer FAX/TAM phone card, and Verbex speaker-independent voice recognition
Led subsequent team of 3 engineers developing the system, as installed in
several factories.
Environment: Windows 3.1, Borland C++; SoundBlaster, IBM MWave, Verbex Listen.
Software Engineer,
maintaining the TScript PostScript Interpreter for the Macintosh.
Moved the entire graphics engine, rendering the bitmaps, from Assembly
Language to C. Achieved a 50% overall performance improvement despite higher
level language.
Implemented features of Level 2 PostScript, including 7 data compression
filters, graphics patterns and color spaces.
Macintosh Programmer's Workshop; C, 68000 Assembly, PostScript.
EDUCATION: B.A. in Computer
Science, Boston University,
Summa Cum Laude with Distinction, 05/95. Grade Point
Average: 3.94/4.00. SAT: 800/800 English, 760/800 Mathematics.
First in graduating Computer Science class. Computer Science Class
Valedictorian. Dean's List every semester. Phi Beta
Kappa Honor Society. Golden Key Honor Society.