HTML for People Who Want to Learn  --  HTML for Starters

*Not all browsers support the following elements: underline; blink.
Basic HTML Reference Chart

This is a chart of some basic HTML tags. See, HTML isn't hard to learn.
If this is what you want: Then this is what you type:
This is centered.
<CENTER>This is centered.</CENTER>
Bold This is bold. This is <B>bold</B>.
Italic This is italic. This is <I>italic</I>.
Underline* This is underline. This is <U>underline</U>.
Strikeout This is strikeout. This is <STRIKE>strikeout</STRIKE>.
Teletype This is teletype. This is <TT>teletype</TT>.
Superscript This is superscript. E=mc2 This is <SUP>superscript</SUP>. E=mc<SUP>2</SUP>
Subscript This is subscript. H2O This is <SUB>subscript</SUB>. H<SUB>2</SUB>O
Blink* This is blink. This is <BLINK>blink</BLINK>.
Line break The first line.
The second line.
The first line.<BR>The second line.


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Last Modified: Saturday, 18-Jul-98 21:49:09 PDT
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