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HTML for People Who Want to Learn  --  Lists for Starters

Definition Lists

Definition lists are very useful when you want to make a list of terms with their definitions. Definition lists do not have to be used for only vocabulary words and the like. A definition list can also be used to name a short phrase and give its explanation.


Here is an example of a definition list

Hypertext Markup Language
Lists for Starters
Learn how to make bulleted lists, numbered lists, and definition lists
Definition List
Used when naming a term and then giving the definition or a description.


The tags that you need to use

<DL>       </DL>
A definition list is denoted by <DL>.

The definition term is denoted by <DT>.

The definition data or definition is denoted by <DD>.


How to make a definition list


Begin the definition list

<DT>The first term

Type <DT> before each term
(<DT> does not require a closing tag)

<DT>The first term
<DD>The definition of the first term

Type <DD> before each definition
(<DD> does not require a closing tag)

<DT>The first term
<DD>The definition of the first term
<DT>The second term
<DD>The definition of the second term
<DT>The third term
<DD>The definition of the third term

Insert all the terms and definitions

<DT>The first term
<DD>The definition of the first term
<DT>The second term
<DD>The definition of the second term
<DT>The third term
<DD>The definition of the third term

To end the definition list, type the closing tag


For example, type this:

<DD>World Wide Web
<DD>Standard Generalized Markup Language
<DD>Hypertext Markup Language


This is what you'll get:

World Wide Web
Standard Generalized Markup Language
Hypertext Markup Language


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Lists for Starters

Last Modified: Saturday, 18-Jul-98 21:51:07 PDT
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