
[Dave G's Animation System]


Dave G's Animation System

Download the Latest Version

This is the first release of Dave G's Animation System (DGAS). DGAS is FREE. It is not shareware or demoware. It is, and always will be free.

For a first release I'm declaring this beta level software. It works. It does what it sets out to do, but there are probably some bugs I haven't tracked down yet. While I continue to search for bugs I am also writing more scene files and demos to show-off what DGAS can do. For now it ships only with the scene files mentioned in the included tutorials.

Version 0.95a corrects a bug with bouncing particles in version 0.95.

Here is DGAS version 0.95a (DGAS095A.ZIP) (131k).

After you download and unzip the archive you will have a collection of files.

I am planning to include the documentation as text files if there is enough demand. Even if there is no demand I am write short text files explaining the DGAS which can act as short documentation for people without an acrobat reader.

Future plans

I have hopes to expand DGAS into a larger system. And that's where you can help.

Please, let me know. The more I hear the more I'll do. If you think these files are a bad idea and they can't do what they claim, let me know. I'll do my best to prove you wrong.

Have a new idea on how to use the system to create wonderful effects? Tell me so I can pass it along to everybody else who's interested.

Its as simple writing me an email.

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This page copyright David Govoni 1997

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E-mail me