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Die offizielle Cubic Player Homepage in Deutsch German Flag
The official Cubic Player Homepage in english british flag


screaming mouseOpenCP 2.6.0 Pre6 and C++ Sourcecode released

Netscape Now 2.0
Use Netscape 3.x or higher or MS Internet Explorer 4.x
MS IE 3.x and Netscape below 3.x are NOT supported!

last changes:

01. Feb. 2002
OpenCP 2.6.0 Pre6 released.
SourceCodes Released

10. Feb. 2000
OpenCP 2.6.0 Pre4 Released.
The new Version has a DSound-Server which makes it possible to use OpenCP with ANY Win32 Sounddevice!!

01. Feb. 2000
Sorry for the heavy lack of updates but got the pages and closes without any comment a few weeks ago.
I will try to connect my old work.

28. Mai 1998
OpenCP 2.0l (new name of Cubic Player) ready to download

03. December 1997
AMP 1.1 (Mpeg Player with Sources) ready to download

16. Oktober 1997
Downloadpage updated - New MPEG Loader

26. September 1997
New webpage location

(C) 1997-2002 Cubic - Cubic Internet Staff