"The Allman Family supports the our troops defending our great country. Say a prayer for our country and our troops."

I love the weekends.

We just love SPRING TIME in Wyoming..(SNOW)

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Along with a lot of others in this country, I are trying to keep my heads above water while trying to work. It's a shame that in this great country of ours so many people are out of work because of the economy and the stock market. So many people have lost their retirements or are about to lose what little they had in the market for retirement. People who have retired are now having to go back to work to keep from losing everything they own. The main problem now for those looking for work like myself, is there is none. Companies are cutting back and they are not looking for the older worker. If you have a job, keep it. There is no retirement anymore for a lot of people in this country.

Here are some of my fun things that I do. Note: There will be a new page coming shortly showing DJ's Demolition Derby car and truck. Have a look.

73 for now and feel free to let me know what you think of this site.

Drop me a email any time!

Thanks for stopping by and come back anytime

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