Sam Shanzhong Yuan
Hi. Let me tell you about myself. I like sports, music, literature and travel.?I don't smoke and I don't like people who smoke.?I'm currently working at ETC Laboratories, Inc. and living in Rochester, New York. I graduated from University of Massachusetts Amherst. I had lived in western Massachusetts for over three years.?? ETC Labs at Rochester, NY, as a Director of two departments of thermal testing in this coming April.?My favorite color is green.?For more information about me, check out my resume.
University of Massacusetts
Personal Album
Our Research Lab at UMASS
???My hobbies and interests include fishing, soccer, basketball, tennis, table tennis, pool, golf, traveling in foreign countries, singing karaoke, bowling, music such as classic, Jazz, Pop, Opera, R&B, and people-watching.
???? My research interest is focused on thermal performance analysis on fenestration systems (windows and doors) in both commercial and residential buildings.?Spending most of my time on experimental studies on the test methods and apparatus used in this area, I'm also very interested in instrumentation, statistical study and design of experiments.
My best friend is Yie Zhao. My girlfriend is Carolyn. They're the best. My closest college friends are Yie, Joe, Mike, Petar, Dongang Yao, Ming Chen, Xiaofeng Cai, Hong Wang. You can visit their sites below. China Soccer and More

Yahoo! Games

Yahoo! Auctions

Yahoo! Finance

Yahoo! Travel
I have a mom, dad, one young brother, and one young sister.?I'm the oldest child.

Petar Blanusa

Donggang Yao

Ming Chen

Xiaofeng Cai