Here I will put up some of my glide programs I've programmed.
Look out for updates or new things once in a while.

A terrain renderer that uses multifractals in realtime to generate an next to infinite landscape with big lakes and high snowy mountains. 

Requirements: Glide 3.x, Voodoo 2.

Multifractal Landscape v1.0 (330kb) 

This is the next improved version of the Multifractal Landscape renderer which features a photorealistic terrain with up to 10.000 visible trees and a better atmosphere and water. Some screen dumps are available. 
Requirements: Glide 3.x, Voodoo 2.
Multifractal Landscape v2.1 (991kb)

New features in this version: Dynamic day cycle, dynamic environment sounds, composite texturing, smoother blend between textures and a dynamic weather model including rain, fog, and thunder. Some screen dumps are available. 
Requirements: Glide 3.x, Voodoo 2, Sound card.
Multifractal Landscape v3.2
due to low web space.

The main improvement in this version is the weather model which now includes volumetric clouds and real lightnings and also the landscape itself is more realistic with rivers and a more varying geometry. 
Some early screen dumps are available. 
Requirements: Glide 3.x, Voodoo 2, Sound card.
Multifractal Landscape v4.2 
Full version (3.5mb)

Here's the newest landscape renderer and some of the features is: A totally new landscape engine with a dynamic LOD (should be alot faster than the old one and allows for a much larger viewing distance), Dynamic colored lighting, MipMapping, ShadowMaps, Volume fog, Trees that casts shadows, A new more dynamic weather engine, etc, etc... 
Some SCREENSHOTS are available!
Requirements: Glide 3.x, Voodoo 2 or 3, Sound card.
Fractal World v1.0
download page...


Starts developing the next version of Fractal World. Any suggestions about what to add/improve in this version will be very appreciated.
E-mail me at ""
Check out some early SCREENSHOTS now available!
Updated! (June 12 - 2000)
Requirements: N/A
Fractal World II

Note: If you experience problems downloading any of the files try using Go!Zilla when downloading which is a program that lets you resume a cancelled or interrupted download.


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