Hi!, my name is Salvador Eduardo Tropea, aka SET (guess why ;-). I live in ARGENTINA, a beautiful country in the south of South America (Tango, Maradona, etc ...).
As my language is Spanish I have some errors writing english so please forgive me.
I'm an Electronics Engineer and my main hobby is the informatics. I expend a lot of my free time writing programs, mainly in C/C++. Other of my hobbies are: my Bike, collect some silly things and the plants.
You can find much more information about me in this page.
Yes FREE. As I told you there are free things in this life.
As an example this home page belongs to a free web space called Geocities I'm really grateful for this, and if you don't have your own web space go ahead and take the link!.
But that is only an example, the computers needs software to be useful and the enterprices discovered that a lot of years ago and are exploiting that at the maximun level. Today is very common see that the software costs more than the hardware and people making fotunes of more than 12,000,000,000 of dolars just selling software!
Not all is like this in the world, there are Operative Systems for free and development tools for free. Don't beleive? well take a look to my "A free software world" page, in this page I list just some examples of free Operative Systems and free development tools. I know more about these kind of tools because I use these tools so if you know about other softwares and want to add it to the list just contact me.
If you need to create DOS applications in C/C++ (other languages and Windows are supported but not as well as DOS) you must check that.
If you have the idea that free means bad supported or not as good as ... you are TOTALLY WRONG!. I used Borland compilers before discovering DJGPP and I can say you the support is thousand of times better and the quality is superior. If you don't beleive me perhaps you can understand that: Id Software used djgpp to make the DOS Quake. So if this people used that to make such a great game ...
One of the advantages of djgpp is that it's a port of the GNU C compiler (gcc) so if your projects are UNIX programs or you plan to port your application to UNIX (a growing platform since Linux appear) the best choice is djgpp.
Visit my page about DJGPP, here you'll find some features of the package and A LOT of links to djgpp stuff and programming information.
If you allready know about djgpp visit my Links page and my DJGPP's Web Ring page.
You can contact me by e-mail salvador@inti.gov.ar The counter of my site is in the graphics page.
© 1997, 1998, 1999 by SET (Salvador E. Tropea)
Last update: Tue Oct 19 02:12:44 (GMT) 1999