General programming information

Here are links to information about programming PC computers in general.

* A very good site to look for DOS programming information is OULU in Finland.

* Internet workshop Tutorials.

* A tutorial about pointers.

* Ralf Brown compiled an amazing list of services accessed by software interrupts you can read the list on-line or download it from Simtelnet, search for inter53*.zip.

* The PC Games Programmer's Encyclopædia is a very good source of information, you can find it in HTML format.

* DPMI 1.0 Specification.

* Cygnus have a copy of the current ANSI C++ Working Paper. Or these files.

* VESA 1.2 specs. That's a copy I had at home that I placed to replace the following link: (From the Brennan's page, 15K)

* Unofficial VESA VBE 2.0 specs (same place, 19K) [Original site: is down]

* The official VESA 2.0 spec (SciTechSoft, 540K) vbe20-11.exe

* The Hacker Jargon File is a very good reference to the words used in internet and the programming world, you'll find there the meaning of all these terms like bug, TIA, IMHO, etc. That's very usefull if you are new to these worlds.

* A great source of data of the x86 family of processors is here, where you'll find even undocumented information.

* ANSI C FAQ or try here.

* File formats: Compressed files and a Big Collection.

* A description of the EXE format reference can be found in the DJ server.

* The drafts for the C standard can be found here and the C++ ones here. Also look for the C9x version and in

* Macmilan Computer Publishing have your books available on-line so if you don't have money, have a free iNet connection and your eyes support the screen for hours go there ;-).

* Michelle Konzack runs a site dedicated to DOS including programming:

* ProgShareHouse maintained by Ethan Stone is programming site has a large collection of tutorials, articles, links, programs (games, tools, and utilities), tips, source code files, FAQs, etc. This site also has Q&A boards.

* Programators by Dawid Ferenczy is a site about programming (C, asm, Pas, HTML...), utillities, links, documentation, addresary of programators... but only in czech language.

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