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Veni Vidi Vici
E-Mail Cricket

Wednesday, 2nd April 1999

Thankyou for coming back, this second installment of PearsE NEWS, written on Good Friday 1999, clearly states that I am one of the laziest Game writters in the modern world. Why? because I plan to spend the Easter Break, and most of April doing Homework, for University. If you wish me to spend more time on my game development and less on my University work please e-mail my Lecturers and tell them to lighten the work load. Their e-mail addresses are: Mark Nolan, Peter Granville, Sylvia Tucker and Jason Ceddia.

Veni Vidi Vici (VVV)
At the moment all work on Veni Vidi Vici version 2.00s/r has come to a stand still, there is just not enough time in my life to write games, sleep, work, and learn.

It is impossible for me to start Corsair until Veni Vidi Vici is complete. I apologise for this.

E-mail Cricket
The e-mail cricket league on the other hand has started up again, with five great managers that make my life really enjoyable. I'm still looking for another manager so if your interested please e-mail Stephen Pearson. The simulator including Java source code can be downloaded from the Sim Page, which now also includes a one day version of the simulator. Please do not download this is you do not have the JDK and know something about Java.


As you may have gathered I am very busy at the moment with University, current projects include, a Customer Booking Program for Restaurant, a Commuincation Porgram in C, and a Research Paper on Data Warehousing. I am also involved with a great group of fellow students who are going to update the web site of City of Glen Eira Council. The great minds I am working with are: Craig Lush, Doug Grgas, Matt Doran and the forever gorgeous Karen Millard.

Working On: PearsE elctronics' E-Mail cricket, and University Work.
Listening to: Why Don't You Get A Job? (The Offspring).mp3
Playing: Viper Racing
Monthly Web Page: IQ Test


Stephen Pearson
PearsE electronics

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