Retro-Computing Home Page

    The Retro-Computing Home Page was initially set up in mid-1997 to provide a forum for those interested in elderly computers (primarily 8-bit z80/z80a or i8086 based machine) and it was intended to provide graphics of all natures relating to those machines as well as original information and links to sites of a similar nature.

    However, as a GCSE student, I had little time to write for the site and (to be honest) neglected it entirely for my studies and for my personal home page. I completed only basic administration on the site (censorship listings, search engine registration etc.) and produce a basic "Sorry, this site isn't ready yet" page. Having finished my GCSE exams I now have plenty of time to write for both of my sites and I can promise that this site will provide everything it was intended to - and more.

    It should be noted that for some while this site promoted a site of a similar nature, entitled Planet Sinclair, on the basis of a "link-exchange" agreement. This agreement has not been kept to by the administrators of Planet Sinclair and, as such, this site will not be promoted or associated with this site. I will provide a basic link to Planet Sinclair when this site is complete purely in the interests of my audience. If anyone from Planet Sinclair should wish to reinstate this agreement, I would be pleased to accept.

    It should be noted that this site is in no way endorsed by the manufacturers of any of the products named. It should also be noted that the legal status of emulators and emulated software is still unclear, and that the author of this site accepts no responsibility for any legal action resulting in the downloading or usage of this material to the fullest extent allowed by international law.

     This page will meta-refresh in 30 seconds to the new RCHP index.  Thank you for your patience.

Mission Statement
    It is my intention for this site to become the Internet's primary source for information, links and graphics relating to 8-bit computers and their emulation on modern platforms. It will include a comprehensive list of links to related sites, and will be presented in a no-nonsense, easy to read fashion. I will not, however, endeavour to explain or describe in any detail any of the machines to those who are newcomers to these platforms - this site is intended for true enthusiasts only.

Uploaded 29/06/98
(C) 1998 Kevin Pitkin. All rights worldwide reserved.
Planet Sinclair is maintained by Chris Owen