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THE HF RADIO LOG Resources for HF Radio Monitoring


Latest logs! ...Check out my latest logs. See what has been heard on the great Northern Plains by checking the Logs page.

Surf radio links...online! Check out the very best Radio Monitoring hobby links found on the Radio Links page.

Looking to buy used radio equipment?...Find pictures of the best radios and accessories in the Photo Gallery...plus links to equipment information on the Radio Links page.
Radio Resources

Antennas... Which antenna to use? Buy or roll your own? A wealth of information is available through these links and USENET groups.

Radio Equipment... Equipment photos, dealers, and sources for used equipment.

Station Schedules... English and foreign language schedules, including program information, are widely available from these sources.

Propagation... Present conditions and future forecasts.

Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field:
From n3kl.org

Solar & Geomagnetic Conditions

Current Greyline Map

Latest HF Propagation Info via NOAA

Current Northern Auroral Condx from NOAA

Current Auroral Conditions from NOAA

Radio Links... Links to information about amateur radio, antennas, boatanchors, commercial radio, radio parts sources, general radio equipment, and shortwave radio.

General Links... Only the most useful web sites devoted to topics including computers, electronics, financial advice, music and music recording, software, and weather.

Site Info

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The Fine Print

This page is © 2002 J.L.Strawman. All rights reserved. This document may not be altered in anyway or distributed without my expressed written consent . All information contained herein is deemed to be accurate but is not warranted.