Oleg V. Ovechkin
Microsoft. Corp.
E-mail: oov@geocities.com
I love programming. During my three
year career as a software developer I participated in
various projects and I always enjoyed finding answers and
delivering safe and elegant solutions right in time. I am
always open for the opportunities that could help to
acquire new knowledge and improve my professional level.
I can easily concentrate on a complicated, but
interesting, project and apply all my skills to the
benefit of it. |
Summary of qualifications
Win32 API (Windows 95, Windows NT),
Windows 3.1x, MS-DOS.
MS Visual C++ 2.2, 4.0, 4.2, MFC 4.0, 4.2, OLE-2, OpenGL,
DirectX 2.0.
Watcom C/C++ 9.5, Borland C++ 3.1, JPI Top Speed Modula-2
2.1, Intel Assembler.
CAD/CAM systems for mechanical engineering.
GUI desing and implementation. |
Programming languages
C++, ANSI C, K&R C, Java, Oberon,
Modula-2, Pascal, Basic, Intel 80x86 Assembler. |
1995 - 1997
Novosibirsk State University
Novosibirsk, Russia
MS degree in physics and mathematics with
concentration in Computer Science and Computer Graphics.
Diploma thesis: "OpenGL based real time
visualization system for CAD/CAM 3D data bases".
Modified version of the visualization system is used as a
part of CAD system bCAD now.
Novosibirsk State University
Novosibirsk, Russia
BS degree in physics and mathematics with
concentration in Computer Science and Computer Graphics.
04/1997 - present |
Java API for bCAD project (alpha
Customer: ProPro Group, Inc.
Software developer. Designed and implemented
the application programming interface for interaction
with bCAD kernel using Java programming language. The
project is currently in alpha testing stage. This
required using MSVC++ 4.2, MFC 4.0, MS SDK for Java 1.5,
writing approximately 6,000 lines of C++ source code and
1,500 lines of Java source code.
08/1996 - 03/1997 |
OpenGL based real time visualization
system for CAD/CAM 3D data bases
Customer: ProPro Group, Inc.
Software developer. Visualization system
architecture was designed and implemented. This included
design of the OpenGL C++ library to connect OpenGL not
object oriented API with MFC application framework and
hide Windows NT OpenGL implementation details,
development of the CAD application specific 3D data
converter and render, design of original algorithm for 3D
triangle meshes optimization. Integrated within bCAD
application visualization system allows user to view 3D
surfaces real time in shaded and wire-frame modes, to
move around and inside 3D model using keyboard for
navigation. This required using MSVC++ 4.2, MFC 4.0.
Implemented approximately 12,000 lines of C++ source
12/1995 - 06/1996 |
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
for polyhedral objets project
Customer: ProPro Group, Inc.
Software developer. Original CSG algorithm
was designed, implemented and debugged. CSG set
operations included in bCAD for Windows since version
3.0. MSVC++ 2.2 and MSVC++ 4.0 were used. Approximately
5,000 lines of C/C++ source code were written.
09/1995 - 12/1995 |
Animation codecs/decodecs project
Customer: ProPro Group, Inc.
Software engineer. Implemented Autodesk
FLI/FLC codec/decodec and MPEG-I codec. This included
using Watcom C/C++ 9.5. Wrote approximately 9,000 lines
of C source code.
05/1995 - 08/1995 |
Floppy disk antipiracy protection
Customer: ProPro Group, Inc.
Software developer. Floppy disk antipiracy
protection system is a 32-bit MS-DOS library for key
floppy creation and detection of its originality. Library
was used as a part of distribution software for bCAD 2.x.
I designed original algorithm which was the base of the
antipiracy protection system. There is still no
application known to be able to crack or copy such a
floppy. Implementing required low level programming of
FDC using Intel assembler (approx. 5,000 lines of source
code) and Watcom C/C++ 9.5 (approx. 1,000 lines of C
source code).
08/1994 - 05/1995 |
3D objects' surface material editor
Customer: ProPro Group, Inc.
Software developer. Material editor
application was developed using 32-bit MS-DOS extender
and based on multiple document window manager kernel
designed by ProPro Group. It allowed user to perform
basic set operations for generation and correction of
texture and bump material components and adjustment of
various material properties (shininess, toughness,
transparency, etc.). This requred approximately 11,000
lines of C source code for using with Watcom C/C++ 9.5.
Employment history
1995 - present |
Institute of Informatics Systems
Novosibirsk, Russia
Software engineer
1994 - present |
ProPro Group, Inc.
Novosibirsk, Russia
Software developer
1991 - 1997 |
Novosibirsk State University
Novosibirsk, Russia