Computer Forum
News, Facts and Opinions

- Curious facts and unfair actions -

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- Unfair actions of the famous companies -
- Ações desleais das companhias famosas -
- Unfair Handlungen von den berühmten Unternehmen -

USA . ENGLAND English ( Inglês , Englisch )

Facts and Opinions about the computer software and hardware. English
This page intends to present the other side of the computer history. The facts, opinions, suggestions, etc. were extracted from the press or received from other persons through the Internet e-mail.
Links to news Web pages. Links
Please send your opinions, suggestions, comments, etc. to G.Negro or fill the FORM below.

BRAZIL . PORTUGAL Português ( Portuguese , Portugiesisch )

Fatos e Opiniões sobre software e hardware de computadores. Português
Esta página pretende mostrar o outro lado da história dos computadores. Os fatos, opiniões, sugestões, etc. foram extraídos da imprensa ou recebidos de outras pessoas através de e-mail da Internet.
Links para páginas Web com notícias. Links
Favor enviar as suas opiniões, sugestões, comentários etc. para G.Negro ou preencha o FORMULÁRIO abaixo.

GERMANY . SWITZERLAND Deutsch ( German , Alemão )

Tatsachen und Meinungen über Computer Software und Hardware. Deutsch
Diese Blatt dient um die andere Seite von der Computer-Geschichte zu zeigen. Die Tatsachen, Meinungen, Vorschläge, usw. wurden aus den Presse herausgezogen oder wurden aus andere Personnen durch Internet e-mail bekommen.
Links zur Nachrichten-Web-Seiten. Links
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