Hi... it's me from death...

Be alert... Soon I“ll release at least this emu (but in alpha stage).

Download Link and FAQ Link dont work today... soon. This page was done in 10 minutes (gfx included).

I've changed the page address to www.cryogen.com/rlyeh and my email address is now rlyeh@cryogen.com

The release will be from the same source since February... Why I haven't released before? I expected an update from the page where I extract ALL INFO for my emu, but it hasn't been changed since 1997... so no update, no info... no info, no more advances in this emu... :(

The fact is that I'm BORED with this project... I don't have a PlayStation to hack it, and I'm too lazy to hack step by step all PlayStation Executables... And other emu programmers who did progress don't share the info, and I understand they are on their right.

So I'm stopped since February. Besides this the emu doesn't run anything, so this emu is a shit with a GUI. Even I haven't finished the GUI I planned, because I wanted to do first any game playable. From my point of view, I see this GUI like a shit, so if I wasn't so bored I'd try to code the GUI I have in my mind, which is VERY impressive. Maybe some day I'll finish the GUI I originally planned (now it's 30% finished, here you have a snapshot).

Anyway, Atlâant is going to be released. This is my first emulator, and first program of mine who I distribute. I hope you like it but I'm not sure of this, so I'm sorry if so it is.

I hope to compile the next release (R1) soon. But I don't promise anything.

Maybe Atlâant will die soon, or maybe not. As usual, I say that any *TECHNICAL* info/web about PS-X will be GREATLY apreciated, because I havent enough info. The fact is that all info I have is less than some papers, so posibly you begin to understand me.

PS: I have neither a PSX either a PC-Comm, so donations will be greatly apreciated too

Stuff for searchers like Altavista...! hehe :-) PLAYBOY SEX NUDE PORN HARDCORE XXX PLAYSTATION SONY FINAL FANTASY VII SOULBLADE TEKKEN 2 RESIDENT EVIL 2 NASA MICROSOFT NETSCAPE EMULATOR EMULATORS ROM PS X GAMES PS X GAMEZ PSX GAMES PSX GAMEZ GREENPEACE playboy sex nude porn hardcore xxx XxX PSX ROMS  psx roms psx romz xXx XXX XXX RU18? Live Sex! live sex! LIVE SEX! playstation PlayStation Sony PlayStation ROMS ROMZ IMAGE IMAGES IMAGEZ ROM IMAGE ROM IMAGES SNES9X GENECYST KGEN ESNES VNG NESTICLE VGB X128 PSX ROMZ FOOTBALL LEAGUE PLAYSTATION ROMZ PlayStation Roms playstation roms playstation romz ROMZ rOmz RoMZ PS X ROMS PS X ROMZ PS-X ROMS PS-X ROMZ PS ROMS PS ROMZ ps x roms ps x romz ps-x roms ps-x romz PSEmu PSEMU psemu PSXEMU PSXEmu psxemu PEX pex Pex VIRTUAL YAROZE Virtual Yaroze virtual yaroze VIRTUAL YAROUZE Virtual Yarouze virtual yarouze TIM FILES Tim Files tim files psx games PSX GAMES psx gamez PSX GAMEZ ps x games
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