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Color Backgrounds

Sure, you can't get photo quality images to look that great, but, hey, it's fun!

Here's some backgrounds I made from downloaded Frank Frazetta art.

franz.zip (629K)

Riven backgrounds

Here are 9 screens from Riven for your color H/PC. This file also includes 2 sounds from Riven to "Rivenize" your 620! Enjoy.

rivenize.zip (550K)

Here is a background I put together of the 1970's English progressive rock group Yes' logo -- Jimmy Clutter

YES background

yesbk.zip (17K)

Neat 3-D rendered backgrounds by Adam Simonics.

3-D backgrounds

(hp620lx.zip - 467K)

The ouroboros symbol (circular snake eating its tail) from the show Millenium.

milleniumbk.zip (20k)

bkgs.zip (98K)

The Nanites and the theater from

Mystery Science Theater 3000. (108K)

Stars Wars Special Edition backgrounds. (swpix.zip)

updated 2.9.98

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